
Thursday, December 8, 2011

North Dakota Among Top 15 For Worse Emissions -- Former EPA Official

The Dickinson Press link here.
An environmental advocacy group issued a report Wednesday ranking North Dakota among the nation’s “filthy 15” in emissions of toxic pollutants from coal-burning power plants.

Overall, North Dakota was ranked No. 12 in the report by the Environmental Integrity Project. North Dakota ranked No. 3 for arsenic releases and No. 8 for mercury. Minnesota was not among the 15 states highlighted in the report. 
Some data points: 
  • Has anyone heard of the Environmental Integrity Project? Rhetorical; please don't answer.
  • New Jersey?
  • Minnesota: NIMBY
  • One can always rely on The Dickinson Press to brighten my day; I did not see this report anywhere else
I'm surprised the faux-environmental advocacy group didn't add flaring to the list of toxic pollutants; if they did, I missed it. Sorry.

Nuclear --> oil --> natural gas --> coal --> trees

By the way,  it appears the fEIP posts nationally-oriented news stories at its website and then sends regionally-oriented press releases to friendly "outlets." It is obvious The Dickinson Press has been identified as a friendly "outlet."  The particular website article that relates to the press release above does not include the phrase "Filthy 15." In addition, there are only 12 sites mentioned, and only one of those was in North Dakota. Three were in Pennsylvania. With regard to North Dakota, this press release printed as a news story is a non-story. The executive director of the project was a former high-ranking EPA official.

Dickinson residents are no doubt gasping at this report.

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