
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What The Terrorists Couldn't Do, the Unions Did -- Absolutely Nothing About the Bakken


February 18, 2012: the plant did open in South Carolina; the NLRB backed off. Now the president visits the plant and touts it as an example of American know-how -- the very plant he tried to close. I doubt he pulled the cotton over anyone's eyes.  How do you spell "chutzpah"?

December 26, 2011: NLRB could be shut down in 2012.  The Senate won't confirm Obama's appointments and the board will be without a quorum. Wow.

Talk about timing. I posted the below yesterday, November 29, 2011. Today I get a note from Don that the issue seems to have been resolved. Boeing will get to keeps is South Carolina factory.

Original Post

Wow, did you all see this? American Airlines just declared bankruptcy. Cost of fuel too high. You think fuel is high now, wait until the EPA shuts down the Bakken. "They've" already shut down the Keystone XL.

The bankruptcy announcement is such a non-story I did not find it at Yahoo!Financial, but buried in the Drudge Report.
American was the only major U.S. airline that didn't file for bankruptcy protection after the 2001 terrorist attacks. The last major airline to file for bankruptcy protection was Delta in 2005.

American says labor-contract rules force it to spend at least $600 million more than other airlines.
So, unions and cost of fuel.

Sound familiar? Think GM.

I cannot make this stuff up. I "cut and paste" the odd bit just as it was written in the story, with terrorist attacks and unions juxtaposed.

I'm still waiting to hear if the unions can shut down Boeing.  Google "NLRB, Boeing, South Carolina."


By the way, here is what another says about the American Airlines bankruptcy, and national bailout and nationalization is not far behind:
In the least surprising development since this morning's sunrise, the parent company of American Airlines, AMR (AMR) officially filed for bankruptcy. Indicting of American bankruptcy laws, AMR whined that they were at a competitive disadvantage to the other majors due to not having filed for bankruptcy during either the wake of 9/11 or the financial crisis. Pride goeth before the fall indeed.

Salmon says the failure of giant airlines is more the rule than the exception. "If you look at the history of all the airlines on the planet earth since the year dot, they've lost untold billions of dollars." he says. "In the aggregate it's a dreadful business."

Salmon says we'd be better off not bailing out our flying behemoths. "Let them die and get replaced by a large number of nimbler airlines like they have in Europe where you actually get much lower prices, much better service," he offers.

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