
Friday, October 14, 2011

Update On Columbus, North Dakota, Burke County, Building -- The Bakken, North Dakota, USA

I first posted this story back on August 25, 2011.

A New Orleans developer has begun site work in Columbus on a residential and commercial project that could add 400 homes and between 480 and 576 apartment units over the next three to five years.

I see others are now reporting on it with an update:
The oil industry is breathing new life into the tiny town of Columbus - and with the addition of a new housing development, the population could quadruple in size.

Over the next four years, developers will turn this 160-acre lot north of town into a 400-home development.

That's a big change for the Burke County city of about 130 people.

It's a project the town hopes will help them keep their post office, and it will proceed gradually - the first phase is only about 12 homes and an apartment-house.


  1. Columbus is my home town, hope it turns out well for everyone.

    1. It will be interesting to follow; I don't have any news.


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