
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Huge Industrial Park West of Williston -- Heart of the Bakken, North Dakota, USA

I was out to the new industrial park west of Williston this afternoon. About two weeks ago a reader mentioned that new buildings were going up out there. I don't think many have any idea how huge this is. I think it might be a full section, 640 acres.

I know some folks think the development in the Williston area is chaotic but when you actually look at what is going on, one is quite impressed. It's interesting how this has all worked out.

There was room to expand east of Williston but the roads were much better west of Williston -- a divided four-lane highway already in place with a two-lane frontage road on the south side. On the other hand, it was only a two lane highway east of Williston. So, it only made sense that the development was mostly on the west.

Interestingly enough, the general consensus is that Bakken activity is headed to McKenzie County next summer. The industrial park west of Williston is in a perfect location. It's a direct shot from the park to McKenzie County with no intervening built-up area: no towns, nothing.

The new residential subdivisions are going up on the west side so oil field works will be on the same side of town as their work. The new Sand Creek Retail Center will also be on the west side, and it appears there will be a nice network of roads.

Anyway, just a rambling note, but the focus of photos this next week will be on the industrial park west of Williston. Anyone who thinks the Bakken boom is short-lived should take a drive out to this new park.

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