
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sorry For Few Posts Today

I was out and about in the Bakken today. I spent the entire day in the Bakken and loved every minute of it.

I had to chuckle thinking about the comments back and forth regarding the 600-bed man camp in Dickinson that was voted down. Perhaps more on that later, but based on what I saw in the Bakken today, it's a non-story.

I drove as far east as Stanley on Highway 2 from Williston, stopping in Stanley and Tioga. The amount of activity along the highway was incredible. The residential areas in both Stanley and Tioga were quiet; one would never know there was any oil activity just outside those towns.

The most remarkable thing I saw on the highway: the very courteous driving by all -- cars, pickups, and semis. Everybody was driving safely, defensively, and appropriately. Folks were driving the speed limit, but no one was speeding. Everyone gave wide berth to vehicles stopped alongside the road. I saw no sheriff vehicles during the entire trip. No speed traps, as such. Just an incredibly pleasant drive.

I will post a rambling, long post over the weekend regarding some thoughts on the Bakken.

But for now, this explains why so few postings today.

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