
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Well, This Should Put Fear of Allah into Syrians ... President Obama Signs Executive Order Barring US From Importing Syrian Oil

Link here
Most of Syria’s oil is used domestically, but it exports 150,000 b/d, 95% of which goes to Europe, primarily to Italy, the Netherlands, France, and Germany.
The article does not say how much Syrian oil is brought into the US. And I bet none of the mainstream reporters asks.

For comparison, the North Dakota Bakken is producing about 350,000 bbls/day.

The same day the announcement is made about the executive order, the price of WTI oil drops $4.00.

Perhaps for the consumer, the President needs to sign another executive order barring the importation of oil from the Gaza Strip.


  1. What an incredibly racist headline. You do know there are christians in syria too right?

  2. Allah is used by Arab Christians, particularly in Syria.

    The name of God among Muslims (and Arab Christians).


    Bethel Lutheran Home in Williston: the "Bethel" comes from "Beth" and "El." The first syllable ("beth") means "house) and "el" is the root word from which Allah comes and means "God." Thus, the Lutheran home for the aged in Williston is "house of Allah" for purists.

  3. By the way, young Christians are all very familiar with this "Christian" song:


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