
Friday, August 12, 2011

Connecting Widely Dispersed Dots -- Maybe a Bridge Too Far, But Perhaps Not

This was my initial post regarding NuStar, EOG and crude-by-rail in Louisiana. Bottom line: Bakken oil can be shipped by rail, making the Keystone XL redundant, and providing an outlet of sweet, light crude to the rest of the world.

Now read this thread regarding concerns of those receiving royalties from Bakken wells. Some comments may or may not make sense, but it gets folks to start thinking.

Now read this story about how Chesapeake will start charging mineral owners to gather, compress, and transport (GCT) natural gas from the Barnett shale in Texas.

No comments. I'm simply linking two new stories and a discussion thread. I have no thoughts on this one way or the other to express in this posting. I think there could be dots to connect, but I could be wrong, Perhaps it's simply a bridge too far.

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