
Friday, July 22, 2011

Permitorium Continues -- Not a Bakken Story

Every time I use the word "permitorium" I get at least one comment saying the "permitorium" does not exist.

I do not print those comments unless factual information is provided or a mistake of mine is pointed out, such as a typographical error.

Link here.
Swift action to reduce the growing deepwater exploration plan backlog in the Gulf of Mexico and the approval pace for those plans and associated drilling permits would increase employment in almost every US state; boost tax and royalty revenue for federal, state, and local governments; and improve US energy security, a new study by IHS-CERA and IHS Global Insight concluded.
The permitorium affects "almost every state." Incredible, considering almost every state is facing a budget crisis.


  1. Bruce, FWIW here are some excerpts from another article about the recent released study by IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates

    Study: Picking up the Gulf oil permitting pace could result in 230,000 jobs posted on HOTAIR at 3:40 pm on July 22, 2011 by Tina Korbe. . .

    Aligning the permitting process with the industry’s production capacity could result in 230,000 American jobs and more than $44 billion in U.S. gross domestic product — all by 2012. That would mean more revenues for the federal government and less money going to foreign governments.

    The employment effects would not be limited to the Gulf states. One-third of the jobs would be generated outside the Gulf region in states like California, Florida, Illinois, Georgia and Pennsylvania.

    That’s especially significant at a time of high unemployment, as James Diffley, IHS Global Insight managing director of U.S. Regional Economics, explained. . . . .

    This should be a total no-brainer. The federal government needs to improve the permitting process, retaining whatever gains have been made in the way of added safety, but no longer sacrificing the economic benefits the Gulf has to offer a nation that desperately needs them.
    See for full article.

  2. It is amazing to me the antagonism shown toward business by this administration. It is simply incredible. This administration really seems to dislike/hate businesses thriving, growing, employing folks.

  3. Did you get a chance to read the most recent "bakken breakout." To summarize an article:

    Interesting part of the story here: "[The 1910 Lakeview Gusher, 110 miles north of Los Angeles] spilled 9 million barrels of oil". "Hurricane Katrina caused a spill of over 8 million gallons of crude and refined products". And the source of the "permitrolium" that Mr. President killed the oil industry in the Gulf with... "The Deepwater Horizon blowout... [had a] volume of oil spilled with approx 4.2 million barrels unrecovered" That's less than Half of Katrina, but you don't here about that causing fisheries or oyster beds to die off, you didn't see reporters on the beach waiting for them to turn black with oil.

  4. I would have to see the original story.

    It is agreed that Lakeview Gusher spilled 9 million bbls. There are 42 gallons in a bbl so that equals about 375 million gallons.

    "Katrina...8 million gallons..

    Deepwater Horizon...5 million bbls ... about 200 million gallons...


    Lakeview (land): 375 million gallons
    Deepwater Horizon (marine): 200 million gallons
    Katrina (river/land): 8 million gallons


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