
Thursday, July 14, 2011

I Honestly Cannot Make This Up -- Posted With Minimal Comment

The German government wants to encourage the construction of new coal and gas power plants with millions of euros from a fund for promoting clean energy and combating climate change.

The plan has come under stiff criticism, but the Ministry of Economics and Technology defended the idea. A spokeswoman said it was necessary as the government switches from nuclear to other renewable energy sources and added that the money would promote the most efficient plants possible.

Funding for the initiative is limited to five percent of the energy and climate change fund’s annual expenditure between 2013 and 2016.

Link here for perhaps the most incredible story so far this year. 

By the way, this was completely predictable.


  1. It's funny how usually nobody understands what's going on in another country expect the people living there. The old plan was to shut down all the old reactors in 2011, but in reality the politicians never wanted that. So they were discussing how to keep them running and in the end they just said that they are going to shut them down, but hey again only in a few years.
    They just bought them some time and they are going to delay the shutdown of the nuclear reactors again anyways.
    The government in Germany is just as corporation influenced as in America.

  2. I posted this because maybe I will be able to figure out the nuances later, but after reading it twice, I still don't get the point.

    Bottom line: Germany using "green money" to back coal.

    I wish the US government acted as a corporation.

  3. Just goes to show you how impossible its going to be to meet Koyoto agreements let alone any more stringent agreements and that was before removing the nuclear option.

  4. The crazy thing about this: if US, Europe, and Japan adopt the protocol, and China, Brazil, and India do not, it's gonna make the NAFTA loss of jobs look like inconsequential compared to how China, Brazil, India will steal jobs from the US, Europe, and Japan, if they can use cheap energy, and the rest of us cannot.

    This is not rocket science.

  5. So true Bruce! Personally I'd rather see coal and oil being used anyday. Disasters can still happen but it is possible to clean them up. There is no cleaning up Nuclear dispersions with half lives up to millions of years. Japans disaster showed up in rainwater samples all over the US. Go


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