
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Carpe Diem Has Another Nice Bakken-Related Post -- Bakken, North Dakota, USA

Link here.

Dateline: Bismarck, North Dakota.
"According to a new study from the Western Energy Alliance, North Dakota oil production could soon outpace imports from oil-rich nations like Russia, Iraq and Kuwait.

“The Bakken formation spanning North Dakota and Montana will lead oil production in the region, with an expected 685,000 barrels of oil and condensate a day by 2020 (see chart above),” the group states in a press release referring to a study done by EIS Solutions. “Combined with other western production, North Dakota will help lead the way in generating 1.3 million barrels of domestic oil production a day by the year 2020, which is more than the current amount of oil imported from Russia, Iraq and Kuwait combined.”
I remember when I first started this blog, folks said the Bakken was over-hyped. Yes, the importance of the Bakken is in the eyes of the beholder, but for many NoDaks, the Bakken was not over-hyped.


  1. Some day they will erect a statue for DR. leigh Price for his unpublished works on the amount of oil in the WB.. the Statue may well set in down town Dickinson, or Williston

  2. ... and, well deserved. Quite a story.


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