
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ten (10) New Permits -- Bakken, North Dakota, USA

Wow -- a huge day for the daily activity report. It will take a bit of time to cover it all. I will post and edit, post and edit.

Drillers: Petro-Hunt (4), Sinclair, BR, Newfield, Dakota-3 (WMB), EOG and Zenergy

Fields: Clear Creek, Willmen, Parshall, Epping, Sanish, Squaw Creek, Painted Woods, and two wildcats.

Petro-Hunt has the two wildcats, both in Williams County.

EOG has another one in the Sanish.

It's probably been reported elsewhere, but BEXP reported:
  • 19085, 2,172, BEXP, Brad Olson 9-16 3H, Williams County
Others released from confidential status that caught my eye:
  • 18735, 1,936, Dakota-3 (WMB), Dakota-3 State of ND 10-3H, Mountrail
  • 19750, 2,338, BR, Devils Backbone 21-14H, McKenzie
Of the 17 wells that came off the confidential list, six were still not completed.

Is this the third recent BR well that had a great IP recently? Regardless, BR seems to be reporting some good wells lately.

In addition, 32 wells were listed as changing hands: from Peak North Dakota to Enerplus Resources (USA). Based on names of wells, and counties, I wouldn't be surprised if almost all of them aren't in the reservation. So, there's another acquisition by a listed company making it easier to follow.

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