
Thursday, June 9, 2011

From Carpe Diem: Don't Blame "Big Oil" for High Gasoline Prices

Link here.
The administration's moratorium on exploratory drilling in new offshore areas has locked away billions of barrels of oil. Oil production in Alaska, which has been in decline for decades, could be doubled by opening up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and Arctic waters that are currently closed to drilling.

Combine these restrictions on drilling with instability in the Middle East and it's no wonder consumers are gritting their teeth at the price of gasoline. But we shouldn't blame oil companies for soaring prices, when they have nothing to do with the restrictions on domestic energy sources or the geopolitical events elsewhere that are the real culprits for higher gas prices.
Clear, concise, and correct.

[Scroll through all of Carpe Diem when you get there.]

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