
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dual Laterals and Potential for 10 Wells on 1280-Acre Spacing -- Interesting Discussion -- Bakken, North Dakota, USA

Over time we will probably be seeing more talk about dual laterals.

Here's a very early thread discussing effectiveness of dual laterals with some additional links.
A big thank you for "go-devil" to take the time and post the links. I was not aware to the extent that dual laterals were being used in the Bakken.


  1. Hess has abandoned dual laterals--and with good reason. Too many failures. Just take a look at one example in Mountrail County: 17-156-94. The well that goes north into sections 8 and 5 is a dual lateral. Cost to drill: $11 million.
    Status: SI. Cumulative production: < 150 barrels. Hess has now permitted an offset, and it will not be a dual lateral.

  2. Regardless of type of well, or location, there are only a handful of Bakken producers that excite me, and Hess is not one of them.


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