
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

2,500 Man-Camp Approved -- Near Tioga, Along Highway 2 -- Bakken, North Dakota, USA

This proposal was reported earlier; now it has been approved. This is simply huge: 2,500 man-camp.

Think about that for a moment: two thousand five hundred new men (mostly men, I assume) descending on a small village.

To put this in perspective, Minot Air Force Base has 4,536 active duty personnel with full support services to include commissary (grocery store), base exchange (department store), hospital, recreation centers (including an indoor swimming pool), etc.

Something tells me roads are going to be the least of the county's problems going forward. Hospitals, restaurants, night clubs, etc. will be severely impacted.

2,500 man camp on US Highway 2 between Tioga and Ray. This is in addition to all that is already there. Incredible. Maybe I'm being a bit overly concerned, but I truly can't get my mind around that many men moving into a man-camp. Just think of the traffic -- actually they will be moved from man-camp to work areas by bus, as much as possible.


  1. Bruce, I believe this camp will be located along the 4 laned Highway 2 between Tioga and Ray (southwest of Tioga). The same company already has a 250 person camp there, as well as one in Williston (which too is being expanded)...but you are right...this thing will be huge!! the largest "mancamp" in the lower 48.

  2. Thank you for correcting me; I've made the changes on the blog. Thank you.

  3. Do they have food service at that camp?

    1. Someone else will have to answer. But I assume so. That's a given in these professionally run man-camps. It is my understanding that the food is delicious and is served 24/7 in Bakken man-camps.


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