
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wednesday, March 2, Huge Day: NOG To Release Earnings Before Market Opens; AAPL to Announce New iPad

Wednesday, March 2, 2011, is gonna be a huge day.

Here's what one guy thinks about NOG's 4Q10 earnings


  1. Hi Bruce:

    Thank you so very much for keeping us so well informed about the Bakken stocks and in general about what is currently going on in N. Dakota.

    I think that NOG is having a great year and the results should reflect their achievement. As you have mentioned, I am waiting for tomorrow morning to arrive. Thanks Ranjit

  2. It's quite a company.

    Thank you for your kind comments.

  3. Yes, NOG did have a good year. They did good .... really good. I am sure they will surpass expectations next time around. I am aware that you do not comment on investing, but would you please comment on SSN and a little know oil company called Arsenal Energy (AEYIF). They seem to be in Montana, Bakken and Canadian Bakken. Thanks Bruce and hope KOG has a good day tomorrow.

  4. You are the second to write on Arsenal (AEYIF). I just added a blurb on my "Other Producers" page:

    but I need to add it as a stand-alone post to call attention to it. When I get caught up, I will do that.

    By the way, SSN (for the investor) has done very, very well. I first caught it when shares were selling for about $1.70 and today I see they are about $3.40. Some investors took a risk and are doing well.

    To the best of my knowledge SSN has not announced when it will release annual earnings/report. It released its "December quarterly" report on January 30. It would appear we might not get a annual report for awhile.

    KOG is supposed to announce after close of business tomorrow, I believe, and conference call on the fourth (March 4, 2011).

    So much to cover. Thank you for reminding me about KOG, and a shout out to AEYIF.


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