
Monday, February 21, 2011

Where is Teddy Roosevelt When We Need Him?

Well, isn't this hunky dory?
  • Alaska pipeline running under capacity ... any less, the pipeline will have to shut down ...
  • BP and Shell both deferring any more drilling off Alaska ...
  • "Permitorium" continues in the Gulf of Mexico ...
  • EPA regulations hanging over domestic drilling ... like the sword of Damocles ...
  • Libya's flow of oil hanging in the balance ...
What an opportunity for a someone to step forward and lead America!

I wonder what Teddy Roosevelt would do if he were still around today?

What will it take to get Washington's attention that the nation's energy program is on the wrong trajectory?


  1. I don't see Alaska as a big factor going forward. If it were, there would
    be way more noise from the internationals.

    Kadafi is toast. This is over in less than a week.

    There needs to be hold on deep water until it can be done right not bp style. Shallow is fine and that is continuing.

    It will take leadership that avoids simiplistic approaches such as the idea that oil at economic prices and quantities is there to be found either domestic or global.

    Just my 2$ (this computer doesn't have cents symbol :). )

  2. My computer doesn't have "cents" symbol either -- have to use some special combination of keys to get a "cent" symbol. Aha -- ¢ -- if that's a "cent" sign. On the Apple keyboard, it's "option key" and the "$/4" key.

    Alaska not a factor going forward (agree); no deep sea drilling in the gulf (agree); I just don't see where the oil is going to come from if the Mideast remains in turmoil. I am among those who wants to see Saudi prove they can produce/ship more oil; I don't think they can.

    If the Army takes control in Libya and keeps the oil fields open, Europe will be fine. But it sounds like civil war (among the various tribes) will break out, and the fields will be closed (because the westerners who run the fields have been evacuated and won't return quickly).

    This will be very interesting to follow.

    I may have to have a special page just to follow the international news -- NOT! I have more than enough just to follow the Bakken, and the Three Forks, and the Tyler, and the Lodgepole, and the Spearfish...and the legacy formations.

  3. If Teddy was alive today he probably wouldn’t be elected president. He’d be labeled a hippy environmentalist and an anti-big-business communist.

  4. embraceyourinnerhillbillyFebruary 22, 2011 at 7:46 PM

    In Mac, that symbol is considered the cents symbol.
    Here's a list of all the Mac Keyboard Symbol Shortcuts.

  5. "Kadafi is toast. This is over in less than a week."

    It's now about four days into the beginning of the Libyan civil war. Something tells me this is not going to be over in less than a week.


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