
Monday, January 31, 2011

A Couple of Great Wells Reported Today -- Bakken, North Dakota, USA

An interesting mix of wells are being reported today in the North Dakota Bakken.

First, the"great" wells:
  • 19093, 1,960, Tracker, Bice 6-31-1TH, Big Gulch, Bakken; Big Gulch is an 8-section field forming the eastern border of Little Knife field, southwest of the reservation; Tracker is now part of Hess
  • 19179, 2,674, Newfield, Johnsrud 150-98-6-7-1H, Siverston, Bakken
Then, a real surprise:
  • 19315, 1,038, Sagebrush, Rice 11, Renville, Madison (not a Bakken), 37K in first 3.5 months
  • This is a Madison well; at a total depth of 6,533 feet it should be a vertical well
  • If this is a vertical well, and with a cumulative 37K at $75/bbl, this well may have already paid for itself (37,000 * $75 = $2.8 million)
  • Generally Madison wells have IPs of 200 or so, at least in my mind (I could be wrong), but I don't recall ever seeing a Madison well with an IP over 1,000 bbls; I'm sure someone will write in to explain what's going on, or even an error in reporting. But for now, pretty exciting. If it's accurate, it reminds me of my posting how it only takes one well to be a game-changer for a small producer
On the other hand, the Sagebrush Rice well in the very next section had a more typical IP for a Madison well, but still significantly more than what I would have expected:
  • 19314, 555, Sagebrush, Rice 10, Renville, Madison (not a Bakken)
The CLR Wiseman well in the small Hebron field northwest of Williston was mediocre:
Obviously something doesn't make sense with the MRO Casey Kukla well; possibly not fracked yet
The other wells reporting today are unremarkable:


  1. Is Tracker fully owned by Hess? I know that they had bought some agreage from TRZ Energy a few months back. It seemed that something had changed because their website disappeared. I called their number and they answered as Tracker.

  2. I was wondering that myself. I wasn't sure if I should put that statement in there as I did, but I thought if I did, someone might be able to answer the question.

    Four possibilities: a) out of habit, still answering the phone as "Tracker"; b) the deal is not yet completed (I assume it has, but I forget); c) that you are correct, that a "Tracker" still exists, and only TRZ, a part of "Tracker" was sold; and, finally, d) owned by Hess, but continues to be run as Tracker.

    As an example, Warren Buffett bought Burlington Northern Railway (BNSF, actually) but I don't see Buffett Railroad on any of the engines (or WBR) -- although that would be sorta neat.

    Maybe they're waiting to run out of their "Tracker" stationery before changing their names.


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