
Thursday, November 11, 2010

New Record: 157

I missed it! Someone alerted me! Active rigs in North Dakota set a new record.

Earlier this morning, Veterans Day, November 11, 2010, someone noted that NDIC posted 157 active rigs in North Dakota. This is a new record.

Just the other day, I noted and posted that "we" had gotten back up to 156 active rigs in North Dakota, tying the previous record. I almost added that we should see a new record but I did not want to "jinx" that possibility, but here "we" are!

I personally find this quite incredible for at least three reasons: a) some Bakken rigs have moved to Montana; b) infrastructure can barely support the number of rigs already there, much less more rigs; and, c) winter is just around the corner. Of course, maybe if a company wants another rig in the Bakken, they need to move it in before winter hits. One could add a fourth reason: CAPEX is already huge in the Bakken and each rig increases that CAPEX for individual companies.
  • Continental Resources: 20
  • Whiting: 14
  • EOG: 11
  • Hess: 11 (Hess recently said they were adding a tenth rig, but the data today shows eleven Hess rigs)
  • Slawson: 7
  • Oasis: 6
  • BEXP: 6
  • Marathon: 5
  • Burlington Resources: 5 (a subsidiary of COP)
  • XTO: 5 (a subsidiary of XOM)
  • KOG: remains a 2-rig program
  • Fidelity (MDU: 1 rig)
BEXP: CEO says they will move in a seventh rig in mid-November; and an 8th in 2011.

I've said this before: the number of rigs probably correlates to acreage controlled in many cases; companies with much more capital available (such as COP and XOM) and yet only a few rigs, suggests that they have significantly less acreage than others. That's probably an oversimplification. If wrong, then one wonders why the companies have not put more rigs against their holdings in the Bakken.


  1. Bruce I beleive you are correct get ready for 200 by the end of 2011. There is just too much expansion and vast acres in N D to protect. I wish it would go slower but we can't have our cake and eat it too. I also beleive the takeovers will heat up in 2011 due to availability of frac equip. ect. The bigger operators are going to have them locked up. At 5 mil. a well you cannot wait 3 to 4 weeks to get a frac.

  2. Sorry for my delay getting back to you. I was fortunate enough to be invited to an evening event honoring military veterans and just got back in.

    Thank you for your kind comments. Like you, I think 2011 will be a watershed year in the Bakken with consolidation. Even EOG remarked their earnings were negatively impacted by availability of fracking crews.

    Thank you for writing.

  3. Bruce,
    check out the new directors cut on the NDIC. It looks like the rig count actually peaked at 158 on 11/11/10

  4. Incredible. I was checking twice a day since 11/11/10 when I missed the "record" of 157. It looks like I have to put up a new post.

    Thank you for alerting me.


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