
Monday, September 6, 2010

Bakken Market Basket

Finally, it looks like I have the stock quotes for the Bakken, see sidebar on the right, scroll down a bit.

One nice feature: clicking on the stock symbol in that widget opens another window, taking you directly where you want to go. Once you are done, close the window, and this site is still open.

Not perfect, but a start.


  1. NO, sweet,
    very nice and clickable back to yahoo....

    I like it...


  2. It's actually quite embarrassing. You have no idea how many ways I tried to get the market basket to work, and Yahoo had an easy fix all the time (Blogger which runs my site, ironically, is owned by Google).

    So, unless something better comes along, I will stick with this for awhile.

    Thank you for your kind words.

  3. this makes the blog more complete.. thanks. don

  4. Yes, it looks like it might work.

    Thanks for kind words.

    (Note: huge rain being dumped in San Antonio; hope ISP providers -- like Time Warner, AOL, ATT, -- can handle the deluge.)


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