
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Let Them Eat Cake

I can understand why many folks in this country feel the tax cuts on the "rich" need to expire.

In a country where single moms worry about the cost of routine health care for their babies, I have to agree that something is way out of proportion when a single wedding cake will cost $11,000.

I truly hope everyone enjoys their cake.

"Let them eat cake." Wow, does that sound familiar.

[This is not political: I would say the same thing regardless of whose wedding it was.]


  1. Nice website redesign. Almost enough to get me to redesign my websites, almost!

    I have nothing for or against Chelsea Clinton but the extravagant wedding "Bridezilla" thing demonstrates the worst of the pre-crash extravagance.

    If you really had the money you could do it but as Warren Buffet likes to say, "First you have the innovator, then the imitators, then the idiots". My image is of the couple who put a big wedding on the "plastic" and lived in a cheap apartment for years to pay it off. Not good.

    I am a bit of a "cake eater" myself retiring at age fifty-seven years three months. A key to it was to avoid extravagant spending.

    Anyway, nice website redesign.

  2. Thank you.

    And congratulations on your retirement.

  3. Speaking of website designs, I am most disappointed in the website designs of all the "local" newspapers from cities like: Dickinson, Minot, Williston, Bismarck, Billings. They are way too cluttered. Headlines too small to read. Too much in your face advertising. I can't imagine they are getting all that much revenue from click-thru advertising. They would do better by highlighting best ads. They would do better to look at the on-line sites of the "Los Angeles Time" and the "New York Times."


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