
Monday, June 28, 2010

Gasland, The Movie, To Be on HBO

According to one of my readers, "Gasland," the movie will soon be showing on HBO.

For those interested in what the movie is about (the hazards of fracking), click here.

It was nice to see that "Gasland" did not win an Oscar.

It's just a matter of time.
It's Just A Matter of Time, Brook Benton

The above has a few jumps, but if you goto the YouTube site, you can find other renditions with better recordings. 


  1. Perhaps this is why the drilling in ND is going at such a feverish pitch. These companies see the end of frac'ing coming and they want as many grandfathered wells as they possibly can afford.

  2. I tend to agree. I think they saw the risks of federal regulation early and moved as fast as they could. Hopefully, if fracking is regulated by EPA, the legacy wells can sustain these companies during the two-year chaos as rules are being written. I am still hopeful that things will turn out well (no pun intended).

  3. Not that this will stop these Dems but I thought the EPA declared Fracturing as "not harmful" . I think the saving grace is that a couple of these Pols live in the Dakotas, like Dorgan?

  4. My understanding is that oil companies were given a waiver from Clean Water Act. There are plenty of news stories that report the EPA is looking at fracking. See elsewhere on this blog, fairly recent or use search function. Senator Dorgan has announced he will retire and will support administration on most issues. I don't know how he would vote on this issue but I can guess. Rep Pomeroy (D) is up for re-election. I have to confirm, but I think EPA can write their own rules and Congress would have to come in after the fact and sort it out. I am probably wrong on that but I will check it out, but it may be hard to find.

  5. From the EPA Website, conclusions
    Based on the information collected and reviewed, EPA has concluded that the injection of hydraulic fracturing fluids into coalbed methane wells poses little or no threat to USDWs and does not justify additional study at this time. This decision is consistent with the process outlined in the April, 2001 Final Study Design, in which EPA indicated that it would determine whether further investigation was needed after analyzing the Phase I information. Specifically, EPA determined that it would not continue into Phase II of the study if the investigation found that no hazardous constituents were used in fracturing fluids, hydraulic fracturing did not increase the hydraulic connection between previously isolated formations, and reported incidents of water quality degradation were attributed to other, more plausible causes.

  6. See today's blog entry: Alice in Wonderland.


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