
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Update on Three Wells Per Section in the Parshall Oil Field (EOG)

This is a "cut and paste" from the "Parshall Field Update." Folks are starting to notice that EOG will be putting three wells in almost every section in the Parshall field, something this armchair amateur first reported almost six months ago.

March 25, 2010:  See EOG news below, dated March 15, 2010. EOG was granted two more permits for a section in the Parshall that already has a producing well: #18850 and #18767, in section 8-153N-90W. The first well was # 17127. The #17127 is in the NWNW corner; the #18767 is in the NENW corner; and, the #18850 is in the SWSE corner. The #17127 had an IP of almost 2,000 bopd. The names of the three wells, Wayzetta 11-08H; Wayzetta 108-08H; and, Wayzetta 129-08H.

March 21, 2010: Update on Fertile Township, Parshall Oil Field, FBIR

March 15, 2010: This blog was one of the first by an armchair amateur, if not the first, to point out that EOG plans to drill three wells in almost every section in the Parshall. It's starting:  EOG was granted two permits, both in section 30, 153-90. There is already a producing well in that section (17129, IP - 610), and all adjoining sections have producing wells. Are these two more Middle Bakken (MB) wells? Unlikely. More likely an Upper TFS well and a Lower TFS well; or, one of the two new ones will be a "monitoring well" while the other targets the Three Forks Sanish.

March 2, 2010: There is a backlog of wells that still need to be fracked in Fertile township.


  1. We own 35 acres in Parshall that they are drilling on how do we find out how they are doing?

  2. Generally speaking, no information is released while a well is being drilled. The best one can do is get eye-witness reports from someone. That is unlikely to happen, but even if it there is someone watching the well, information is minimal. One would know when the rig is off site, when the fracking crews have moved in, an idea of how good the well is by noting tanks on the site. Best site I know of for tracking this kind of information is going to "Bakken Shale Discussion Group" (linked in the sidebar on the right about halfway down and asking the question). You need to give specific information, name of well, or legal description. Please don't mention my site if you go over there to ask your question.


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