
Thursday, February 4, 2010

FAQs Updated, 18, 19, and 20

Readers of this blog know that I update pages on a regular basis. One of my pages is a "frequently asked questions (FAQs)" page. Early on I had about ten (10) frequently asked questions, but that page has now grown to 20 questions.

Realizing that frequent readers of my blog may not re-visit that site thinking it will not be updated, I will occasionally post new questions/answers in a stand-alone post, when updating the FAQs page.

So, without further ado, here are the three (3) most recently answered FAQs.

18. How long will "the Bakken" last? 
Obviously that question cannot be answered with any degree of certainty. But in January, 2010, analysts suggested North Dakota's oil output will increase to 400,000 bopd by mid-2011, and that level of production will be sustained for 10 - 15 years.
19. What oil fields in North Dakota are "in play"?
I am considering a whole page (or pages) to discuss the various oil fields in North Dakota. For now, I will be brief. The Parshall oil field and the Sanish oil field seem to be the center of attention in this current boom and interest in the Bakken. Other fields that seem to "in play" right now: Big Bend and Van Hook; Clear Water; Little Knife, Jim Creek and Murphy Creek; Alger; Painted Woods, Squires, and Round Prairies.
20. How many active oil wells are there in North Dakota?
For me, this question is irrelevant, but I see it is often asked, so, without attributing the source, or confirming the accuracy, I will answer that my understanding is that there are in excess of 4,000 active wells in North Dakota. How many permits (wells drilled from these permits) are being granted on an annual basis in North Dakota? 2006: 422 (195); 2007: 493 (336); 2008: 916 (645); 2009 626 (168). Obviously the numbers inside the parentheses (wells drilled from these permits) will increase over time.

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