
Monday, February 17, 2025

Investing -- February 17, 2025

Locator: 48574INVESTING.

Investing: for the past year (or so) we've been told the market is "expensive." Now, link here:

Warren Buffett: marching to a different drummer, link here.

The Book Page

I now try very hard to accomplish the following each day:

  • Duolingo, Spanish, 15 minutes
  • one hour of reading literature, taking notes
  • one hour of updating my literature blog

I find that the best reading is between 11:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m.

I have "Canterbury Cathedral" evensong on in the background -- probably the most relaxing way to end the day.

I no longer read any news after 7:00 p.m. -- except when I get into bed and check out the news and social media until I fall asleep. 

With regard to politics (i.e., Trump), it's my feeling many folks are misreading what is happening. Journalists are tracking the number of ties the Trump train has crossed, when in fact, the big story is that we are on a completely different train now -- if the Biden train was a local milk-run affair, the Trump train is a bullet train.

It will be interesting if any of the grandchildren ever read my "literature" blog but, of course, I will be dead by then, and will never know. 

I ordered Who Really Wrote the Bible? The Story of the Scribes, William M Schiedewind, c. 2024. Link here. It will arrive Wednesday. 

The First Episode of SNL

Available on YouTube now.

Absolutely amazing. It's almost as if it were filmed two days ago. 

Time capsule. 

Some things work; some things don't.

1975: I was 24 years old, still in school, in the middle of my coming-of-age years. What I would give to re-live some of those days. Or not.

Transformational -- Geopolitics -- February 17, 2025

Locator: 48573GAZA.

Ukraine: absolutely mesmerizing. 

  • US - Russia bilateral talks, hosted by Saudi Arabia.
    • Putin knows that Trump has a 100-day self-imposed deadline
    • JD Vance announced (Trump confirmed), the borders will never go back to what they were and Ukraine won't be part of NATO -- those are non-starters for Russia
  • Ukraine says it will not agree to any agreement if it -- Ukraine -- is not part of the process.
    • let's see how that works out
  • Britain ready to put boots on the ground
  • the EU is apoplectic
  • NATO is confused
  • after all these years where NATO / Europe / EU said "no way"would Ukraine be admitted to NATO, now those same alliances are putting that option back on the table.
  • after all those years where Europe / EU were under-funding Ukraine and letting the US pay for the war, all of a sudden the Brits and Europe / EU are looking for ways to fund Zelenskyy
  • it will be interesting to see how fast the US money dries up
  • I would assume, Zelenskyy has 30 days worth of cash; what happens when he can no longer pay his soldiers? Germany doesn't have much money to help pay for the war.

Keeping one eye's on the ball. Trump has clearly indicated:

  • China-Taiwan: Taiwan does not belong to Xi's China;
  • Iran is the number one terrorist nation in the world; take care of Iran and much else falls into place.
    • keep Iran on edge
    • sanctions on Iran: economic warfare
    • hold US-Russian talks on Ukraine in Saudi Arabia
      • US-Russia-Saudi Arabia: further isolates China and Iran
  • North Korea: at some point, North Korea will be back in the news, but for Trump, NK is a side-show.
  • Europe / EU needs to step up to the plate. That's why Ukraine and EU are not at the table.
    • EU is clearly closer to China than the US on the geopolitical continuum -- and Trump knows that. 
    • no one really wants to admit it, but it certainly appears Trump loathes Europe on so many levels
  • An improved relationship between China - Russia is not in America's interests.
    • Economically, China is the US number one concern; right now, China is the big loser. 
    • sanctions on Iran: 
      • all about Chinese cozying up to Iran for oil
  • Trump wants that "union" vote -- appoints union support to Department of Labor, and places huge tariffs on auto makers in Canada and Mexico; really, really favors Detroit.

Deal-Making: Trump looking to transform world geo-politics.

  • Trump can't do it alone;
    • needs either China or Russia;
    • Trump knows Putin better than Xi
  • Putin, right now, the active "shooter"
    • Putin is overtly messing with Europe, EU
    • China has huge influence worldwide but not so much in Europe
  • opportunity to split growing relationship between China-Russia
    • China probably not looking favorably on US-Russia sitting "alone" / bargaining in Saudi Arabia
  • it's even worse for Europe / UK / EU
    • EU has never looked so vulnerable
    • Trump will make NATO nations increase their contribution to the alliancd
  • it's all a continuation of his first administration but in less than 100 days, he's already much farther along

Deal-Making: Trump looking to change borders:

  • the Mideast: Israel / Gaza's border
    • it certainly appears Trump has taken the "2-state solution" off the table (others said that before me)
  • Europe: Ukraine / Russia border
    • Pyrrhic victory for Putin
    • but provides opportunity for Trump / Putin to work together in the Mideast to block China
  • China-Taiwan
    • Trump has upped the ante incredibly; clearly states that Taiwan does not belong to Xi's China


Gaza: all of a sudden, "everyone" wants a piece of Gaza; they just don't want the Egyptians who live there.

Ukraine: all of a sudden, the Brits are suggesting they will put boots on ground in Ukraine; daring the EU to do likewise. All of a sudden Ukraine is really, really important to the Brits (and most likely to the EU).  

Mexico: "coyotes" are now offering to bring "human trafficking" in over the northern border, from Canada. 

China: upset that the US has removed key phrase from China-Taiwan relationship; apparently changing the whole dynamic with removing a dozen words or so.

Greenland: all of a sudden folks asking why Denmark claims Greenland; France says it will deploy troops -- boots on the ground -- to defend against hostile takeover by the US.

Panama: all of a sudden, the US wants what is theirs back.

Canada: looking more and more like the 51st state. Where does that put Puerto Rico?

Taiwan: stole America's computer chips. 

Israel: all of a sudden seeing "green lights," as in "go, do what's best for your country!"

Africa: the only "place" -- in this case, an entire continente -- along with South Pacific islands -- being completely ignored.

For The Archives -- February 17, 2025

Locator: 48572EGGS.

I had an errand to run a few miles east of where we live in north Texas, just a mile or so from DFW.

Wow, talk about a pleasant drive. I've mentioned this before but the roads in Texas are incredible and the drivers are (most will disagree with me on this) incredibly friendly. They drive friendly but carry big guns. LOL.

But seriously, a really, really nice drive and the GPS maps / directions are now incredible. I used to use only google directions but now I exclusively use Apple maps. Amazing. 

Can't articulate well enough how incredible this area is -- lots of building, absolutely amazing.  

While out and about, a reader sent me this screenshot:

My reply: 

That is a good chart. I might come back to it. Out and about right now. But it is funny: except for what eggs we might use making brownies for Sophia, I’ve quit eating eggs. We still have three dozen in the fridge from the four dozen we had a week ago or so.

We're not paying anywhere near $8 / dozen here in north Texas for eggs, though I haven’t checked in about 10 days. 

By the way, does anyone know the cost of a first-class forever stamp here in the US? You know, the ones that used to cost three cents when Joe Biden first entered politics a few years ago.

I used to collect postage stamps when I was in elementary school. Great hobby. Gave up about middle school but then started again in my 40s or thereabouts. It's going to be a great collection for Judah or Levi or their kids.

I think I have several of the 3-cent stamps shown above. They two shown are now worth $3,000, at least according to the website where they are being sold.

I'm going to work with Judah and Levi to collect GPUs.

Production For Wells Coming Off Confidential List This Next Week -- February 17, 2025

Locator: 48571WELLS.

The wells:

  • 40495, conf, Hess, GO-Olson-157-98-2536H-3, Oliver,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 40249, conf, Hess, GO-Olson-157-98-2536H-2, Oliver,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 40569, conf, Empire North Dakota, Magpie 29 1H, Starbuck,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 39830, conf, Hess, EN-Meiers-154-93-1324H-5, Robinson Lake,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 38668, conf, Petro-Hunt, USA 153-95-3A-33 4H, Charlson, npd,
  • 38667, conf, Petro-Hunt, USA 153-95-3A-33 5H, Charlson, npd,
  • 40429, conf, Grayson Mill, Alfred North 17-15 5H, Elk,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 40369, conf, Enerplus, LK Erickson 147-97-11-2-8H, Little Knife,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 39829, conf, Hess, EN-Meiers-154-93-1324H-4, Robinson Lake,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 38669, conf, Petro-Hunt, USA 153-95-3A-33 3H, Charlson, npd,
  • 39955, conf, Hess, EN-Wefald-LE-156-94-2413H-1, Alger,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 39942, conf, Koda Resources, Stout 2032-6BH, Fertile Valley,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 38670, conf, Petro-Hunt, USA 153-95-3A-33 2H, Charlson, npd,
  • 40437, conf, Enerplus, Icon 150-94-06B-18H, Spotted Horn,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 39941, conf, Koda Resources, Stout 2032-5BH, Fertile Valley,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 38671, conf, Petro-Hunt, USA 153-95-3A-33 1H, Charlson, npd,
  • 40428, conf, Grayson Mill, Alfred North 17-15 4H, Elk,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
    • 40845, conf, CLR, Catron 5-26H, Little Knife, npd,
    • 40854, conf, CLR, Taney 6-23H, Little Knife, npd,
    • 40853, conf, CLR, Taney 5-23H, Little Knife, npd,
    • 40409, conf, Enerplus, Valiant 150-94-06B-LL, Spotted Horn,
    DateOil RunsMCF Sold
    • 36621, conf, BR, West Kellogg 2B-UTFH, Elidah, npd,
    • 40844, conf, CLR, Catron 4-26H, Little Knife, npd,
    • 40225, conf, Hess, GO-Beck Living Tr-LE-156-98-2017H-1, Wheelock,
    DateOil RunsMCF Sold
    • 39840, conf, CLR, Harms West Federal 5-32H2, Elm Tree, npd,

    The Bakken -- It Doesn't Feel That Cold -- Monday, February 17, 2025

    Locator: 48570B.

    And it's sunny. All day.



    Some years ago I noted the "evolution" of the name "Shirley" for women. 

    Well, lo and behold, here's how that came about.

    I came across it in The Brontës: Wild Genius On The Moor: The Story Of A Literary Family -- Juliet Barker, c. 2010, p. 46, and then proceeded to look it up in wiki:

    Shirley, A Tale is an 1849 social novel by the English novelist Charlotte Brontë. It was Brontë's second published novel after Jane Eyre (originally published under Brontë's pseudonym Currer Bell). The novel is set in Yorkshire in 1811–12, during the industrial depression resulting from the Napoleonic Wars and the War of 1812. The novel is set against the backdrop of the Luddite uprisings in the Yorkshire textile industry.
    The novel's popularity led to the surname Shirley becoming popular as a first name for women. Brontë tells the reader it was a tradition in the family to only give this surname as a first name to male children. It wasn't commonly used as a first name in England before the book. It is now regarded as a female first name.

     That made my day. LOL. Much, much more at the wiki entry, of course.