
Sunday, December 22, 2024

EVs: The Ultimate Irony -- December 22, 2024

Locator: 44510EVS.

Remember all that talk about charging EVs during the night when rates are lower? LOL. 

LDCs changed all that. LDCs use electricity 24/7. And on top of that, all that renewable energy. The sun don't shine at night. 

How do I know? Exhibit A: every EV manufacturer is having second thoughts about EVs.  

But it's even worse: those same folks telling us to cut electricity use during the hot summer months and the very frigid winter months are the same folks telling us to buy EVs.

By the way: the Ineos Grenadier.  

The next big thing in Texas:

New Natural Gas Pipeline Proposed To Take Natural Gas From The Bakken To Fargo, ND -- December 22, 2024

Locator: 44509B.

Tag: Bakken natural gas pipeline 

The headline was mentioned earlier on the blog. Here's the story from Geoff Simon this week:

Would move up to 760 million cubic feet of natural gas per day.

Apple And Nvidia Pair Up On AI -- December 22, 2024

Locator: 44508AAPL.

Tag: NVDA Nvidia Apple

This sounds good.

Link here.

The Friday After

Link here.

AAPL the day after: hit a new all-time high. Market cap at all-time high ($3.85 trillion). Buybacks at record highs. For a full year, up 30%; up $60 / share.

Starbucks -- A Rough Year -- December 22, 2024

Locator: 44507SBUX.

Link here to Carl.

For one year:
  • SBUX down 8%
  • CMG up 33%.

AI -- Clearing Out The In-Box -- December 22, 2024

Locator: 44506AI.

Tag: AI

Link here.

I'm really not interesting in this, this morning, but I'm clearing out the in-box.

I think this tweet has been tweeted before but not sure. If it was tweeted before, I've probably linked this before.


Hash browns from frozen potatoes.

Link here.

The Bullet Train -- December 22, 2024

Locator: 44505BULLETTRAIN.

Before we do the "Bullet Train" stuff, here's a story I missed yesterday (or the day before, actually) and it's a huge story:

Now, back to the "Bullet Train" stuff.

This "AI stuff" is saving me a lot of time.  

Bullet Train Central is tracked here.

The most recent estimate to complete this project:

  • March 15, 2024: $0.130 trillion -- new estimate for completed project.

Question: does Buttigieg and the DOT have any money left to fund the California bullet train.

Answer. Yes.

Link here. Date of the article: November 15, 2024.

At that time, Buttigieg and the DOT had $3.4 billion (?) to give away. 

Breitbart is reporting that California wants $0.5 billion of that $3.4 billion for the bullet train.

My hunch? California will get it. 

Does $0.5 billion = $500 million. I'm not good at math. Fact check me on that.

Wasn't the bullet train initially to cost less than $35 billion?


The current estimate: $100 billion.

$0.5 billion / $100 billion = 0.5% (needs to be fact checked).

The Book Page: Re-Posting

America's Red Shift: Now Who's On The Wrong Side Of History

Essay by Charles R. Kesler, editor of the Claremont Review of Books.

Claremont Review of Books, Fall 2024, p. 6.

Six-page essay on the Trump-Harris campaigns and outcome.

The essay leads up to Obama's famous "on the right side of history" speech in which he originally suggested that those on the right side of history will eventually win because it's the right side of history.

But, now, with the outcome of the 2024 presidential election he has changed his speech slightly. "The right side of history" is not a given to win out. For the "right side of history" to win out, "we must will it to win."

"The right side of history" is not a given. In fact, it may not even be the "right side of history."

His argument leads up to a very fun piece of writing, page 12:
Though he didn't use that demographic argument in his speech to the DNC in Chicago, Obama still looked forward confidently to building "a true Democratic majority." Someone ought to endow a prized and name it after Obama -- the Barack Obama Prize -- prize for being painfully out of touch with your own country. 

He (Obama) should receive the inaugural trophy. He could display it alongside the Nobel Prize he got in 2009 for bringing peace to the world. Trump and the MAGA Republicans are now in the process of assimilating working-class voters, including young black and Hispanics, supposedly elements that "true Democratic majority," into a new Trumpian movement that may form, in time, a new Republican majority party.
Consider Hispanic voters. Exit polls showed Trump winning about 55% of the Latino male vote. CNN reported a 42% swing toward the Republicans from 2016 to 2024. And it wasn't just en. Support for the Democrats among Latinas, according to CNN, dropped from a 44% advantage in 2016 to a 22-point advantage this year.
The Los Angeles Times interviewed some of Trump's Latino supporters. "Why am I for Trump?" asked Tomas Garcia, who supported him in 2016, 2020, and 2024. "Because I'm an American first of all." 
The70-year-old's great-grandparents emigrated from Mexico. "Hispanics are about the American dream, said Abraham Enriquez, 29, who was raised by the children of Mexican immigrant parents in west Texas.
"Trump being a billionaire from New York, with a beautiful family and a beautiful wife, as a young Hispanic man, that is the American dream, that is what you one day want to be like."
Michael Fienup, an economist who studies Hispanics, commented, "Latinos are hard-working, they're self -sufficient, they're entrepreneurial, they're patriotic, they're optimistic. Guess what? Those are fundamentally American characteristics."

Flashback: The New York Times / MSNBC -- June 25 - 26, 2011 -- Re-Posted December 22, 2024

Locator: 44504LNG.
This little gem is worth the price of the subscription to The Million Dollar Way.

Over the weekend of June 25 - 26, 2011, the New York Times/MSNBC published a story suggesting that the economics of natural gas do not make sense, going so far as to call it an "Enron-like" scam.

My contention at the time was that the article was an outlier: it went against the grain of everything else I had been reading and everything else that I had been seeing with regard to natural gas. I don't argue that natural gas is extremely cheap and I have wondered how the companies have been able to make money on natural gas. However, the contention in the article that the companies are over-estimating their reserves is what caught my attention and that's where my problem with the article lies. I am not a financial analyst and so I pretty much stay away from that end of the argument.

It will be interesting to see how the New York Times/MSNBC article plays out. I will use the date (June 25-26, 2011) and the article as a marker, and start documenting data and stories that reflect both sides of the argument. I assume that, based on my biases and sources, most of my data and stories will favor the industry and not the referenced article.

NG At The Blog

NG was initially tracked here and then moved to this location.

The Book Page 

For those who find Elon Musk fascinating -- with regard to his relationship with the press and his involvement with US politics, I highly recommend The Chief by David Nasaw. 

Chapter 7, "How Do You Like The Journal's War" is particularly fascinating. I will post my notes on this book later, but I'm curious if there's a website that connects William Randolph Hearst, Teddy Roosevelt, the Spanish-American War, the liberation of Cuba, the Rough Riders, the USS Maine. Let's see.

Holy mackerel! Look what AI came up with:

On the other hand, the "first hit," completely fails to report "whose story" this was. Absolutely amazing, and why The Chief is a must-read book.

LNG Export Terminal Buildout -- December 22, 2024

Locator: 44503LNG.

There is nothing new here as far as I can tell. Just a recap of the LNG export terminal buildout.

First the EIA, link here: North America's LNG export capacity is on track to more than double by 2028 -- that's only three years from now --

Of note
  • Energia Costa Azul, reported earlier this year, link here;
  • Golden Pass, expansion at Sabine Pass; partnership: QatarEnergy and XOM;
  • Rio Grande, NextDecade; Brownsville, TX, first of three liquefaction trains;
  • Port Arthur: Jefferson County, TX; two liquefaction trains; joint venture, Sempra and COP, with long term commitments from COP, INEOS (British), PKN Orlen (Baltic Energy, Poland), and Engie, SA (French electric utility);

Greenpeace, June 23, 2023, link here -- a most interesting source, but very comprehensive. Archived here. Back in 2023, Greenpeace says there were seven active US LNG export terminals. That agrees with what was stated the other day, making Plaquemines, number eight.

Look at all the sites approved (yellow dots) but not yet under construction, as of June 23, 2023).

Of note, along with Cameron and Calcasieu Pass:

  • Lake Charles LNG
  • Driftwood
  • Magnolia
  • Commonwealth

This is wiki's list, as of December 22, 2024:

Two additional comments:

  • best source for up-to-date information on this subject: RBN Energy
  • these export terminals depend on adequate pipeline supply from the Permian

Production Data For Wells Coming Off Confidential List This Next Week -- December 22, 2024

Locator: 44502WELLS.

The wells:

  • 40731, conf, Rockport Energy, Camden 10-3 3H, Ranch Coulee,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 39499, conf, Enerplus, Brown Bear 158-99-36-25-5H, Ellisville,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 37664, conf, BR, Kellogg Ranch 1A TFH, Elidah, npd,
  • 40354, conf, Koda Resources, Amber 1301-1BH, Fertile Valley,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 40002, conf, Hess, GO-Hoyt-LE-157-97-2833H-1, Ray,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 33974, conf, Enerplus, Silver 147-93-09D-04H, Moccasin Creek,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 40335, conf, Grayson Mill, Sponheim 31-34F 2H, Briar Creek,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 40334, conf, Grayson Mill, Sponheim 31-34F 1H, Briar Creek,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 40333, conf, Grayson Mill, Hopes 30-27F-3H, Briar Creek,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 40332, conf, Grayson Mill, Hopes 30-27F 2H, Briar Creek,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 40331, conf, Grayson Mill, Hopes 30-27F 1H, Briar Creek,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 40198, conf, Grayson Mill, Hopes 30-27F 4H, Briar Creek,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 38491, conf, Petro-Hunt, State 153-95-17B-16-1H, Charlson, npd,
  • 37666, conf, BR, Nordeng 1A MBH, Elidah, npd,
  • 40002, conf, Hess, GO-Hoyt-LE-157-97-2833H-1, Ray,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 38490, conf, Petro-Hunt, State 153-95-17B-16-2H, Charlson, npd,
  • 37584, conf, Enerplus, Niobium 147-93-09D-04H, Moccasin Creek,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 26491, conf, Grayson Mill, Wahus State 152-97-12-1-3H, Westberg,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 26490, conf, Grayson Mill, Wahus State 152-97-12-1-11, Westberg,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 40001, conf, Hess, GO-Hoyt-157-97-2833H-2, Ray,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 35510, conf, Enerplus, FB Clinton 148-94-29B-32-8T, Eagle Nest,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 35509, conf, Enerplus, FB Clinton 148-94-29B-32-7B, Eagle Nest,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 37667, conf, BR, Nordeng 1B TFH, Elidah, npd,

Wells Coming Off Confidential List Through The End Of The Year -- December 22, 2024

Locator: 44501WELLS.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024: 51 for the month; 154 for the quarter, 682 for the year

Monday, December 30, 2024: 51 for the month; 154 for the quarter, 682 for the year

Sunday, December 29, 2024: 51 for the month; 154 for the quarter, 682 for the year

Saturday, December 28, 2024: 51 for the month; 154 for the quarter, 682 for the year
40731, conf, Rockport Energy, Camden 10-3 3H,
39499, conf, Enerplus, Brown Bear 158-99-36-25-5H ,
37664, conf, BR, Kellogg Ranch 1A TFH,

Friday, December 27, 2024: 48 for the month; 151 for the quarter, 679 for the year

Thursday, December 26, 2024: 48 for the month; 151 for the quarter, 679 for the year
40354, conf, Koda Resources, Amber 1301-1BH,
40002, conf, Koda Resources, Amber 1301-2BH,
33974, conf, Enerplus, Silver 147-93-09D-04H,

Wednesday, December 25, 2024: 45 for the month; 148 for the quarter, 676 for the year
40335, conf, Grayson Mill, Sponheim 31-34F 2H,
40334, conf, Grayson Mill, Sponheim 31-34F 1H,
40333, conf, Grayson Mill, Hopes 30-27F-3H,
40332, conf, Grayson Mill, Hopes 30-27F 2H
40331, conf, Grayson Mill, Hopes 30-27F 1H,
40198, conf, Grayson Mill, Hopes 3-27F 4H,
38491, conf, Petro-Hunt, State 153-95-17B-16-1H,
37666, conf, BR, Nordeng 1A MBH,

Tuesday, December 24, 2024: 37 for the month; 140 for the quarter, 668 for the year
40002, conf, Hess, GO-Hoyt-LE-157-97-2833H-1,
38490, conf, Petro-Hunt, State 153-95-17B-16-2H,
37584, conf, Enerplus, Niobium 147-93-09D-04H,
26491, conf, Grayson Mill, Wahus State 152-97-12-1-3H,
26490, conf, Grayson Mill, Wahus State 152-97-12-1-11,

Monday, December 23, 2024: 32 for the month; 135 for the quarter, 663 for the year
40001, conf, Hess, GO-Hoyt-157-97-2833H-2,
35510, conf, Enerplus, FB Clinton 148-94-29B-32-8T,
35509, conf, Enerplus, FB Clinton 148-94-29B-32-7B,

Sunday, December 22, 2024: 29 for the month; 132 for the quarter, 660 for the year

Saturday, December 21, 2024: 29 for the month; 132 for the quarter, 659 for the year
37667, conf, BR, Nordeng 1B TFH,