
Sunday, June 30, 2024

1H24 In One Chart -- June 30, 2024

Locator: 48028DIDION.

Link here:

But, if one needs more , from Evan

The Book Page

Every once in awhile I have to re-read the Joan Didion wiki entry to remind me how prolific she really was.

Joan Didion died three years ago, December 23, 2021. Born in 1934 she died at age 87. 

I was reminded of Joan Didion again with this essay over at Lilith.  The author reflects on the current conflict in Gaza and how Joan Didion had processed other similar events. The author writes:

This war, to me, was Hitchcockian; I felt it was coming but didn’t know when. Anyone who thought otherwise, I thought, was lying (or had never read the Bible). There were some who believed that peace was achievable through diplomacy alone and that war was nothing but a violent, intrusive thought on the path to like-mindedness. When the early reports of the music festival massacre pulsed through my devices, I knew this wasn’t so. I reacted as one does to the death of a friend who has descended into madness, the thing whispered at their funeral: Shocked, but not surprised.

Didion described this feeling in “The White Album.” She remembered the morning after the Manson Family murdered pregnant actress Sharon Tate and four others. Didion had developed an almost snobbish distaste for hippies and burnouts, but she also recognized and railed against the broken systems that produced them.

At the time of the murders, Joan Didion and Sharon Tate both lived in the hilly enclave of Los Feliz. The “dangerous social pathology” of the hippie movement was no longer something she was just observing. The chaos had found its way into her private life. She wrote, “Many people I know in Los Angeles believe that the Sixties ended abruptly on August 9, 1969, at the exact moment when word of the murders on Cielo Drive traveled like brushfire through the community, and in a sense this is true. The tension broke that day. The paranoia was fulfilled.”

On October 7, 2023, the tension broke, for both Israelis and Palestinians. The paranoia was fulfilled. Shocked, but not surprised.

Didion's personal memoirs about a year in her life, 2007, made the Amazon list of 100 best books to read in one's life.  The link at Amazon:

Everthing Everywhere Happening All At Once, Part 2 -- June 30, 2024

Locator: 48027OPENAI.

Everything everywhere happening all at once, part one: link here.

Now, today, part two.

First: adding circuit-packaging to all that jazz; Apple's M4 was revolutionary.

Now, this, from The Verge, from today, June 30, 2024:

Google's Gemini already has it's own wiki entry.

Right now, there's ChatGPT and Gemini.

  • is this Intel vs Apple, all over again?
  • Betamax vs Sony?
  • Blu-Ray vs DVD?
  • David vs Goliath?

CPUs, GPUs, NPUs, Circuit Packaging, And All That Jazz -- Apple's M4 Was Revolutionary -- June 30, 2024

Locator: 48026CHIPS.

All that jazz, part 1.

All that jazz, part 2.

With regard to tech, chips, and investing, two recurrent themes on the blog this past year:

  • chips are not commodities;
  • Biden's CHIPS Act was just the beginning.

On the blog:

Chips: link here.

 Chips, semiconductor: link here.

So, What' New?

We start here. From yesterday, news on a Saturday:

From the linked article:

  • SK Hyinx to invest $75 billion in AI, chips, over the next three years;
  • compare: Biden's CHIPS Act -- $39 billion in tax benefits, loan guarantees and grants
  • SK Hynix is the world's #2 memory chip maker
  • this company has 175 subsidiaries
  • SK Hynix group's electric vehicle battery arm suffered heavy losses and the company needs to "re-group"
    • the conglomerate owns the country's largest battery maker, SK On
    • "at a time of transition, a preemptive and fundamental change is necessary"
  • the company will focus on its AI value chain, including high bandwidth memory (HBM) chips, AI data centers and AI services such as personalized AI assistants
  • South Korea, home to the world's top memory chip makers Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix, has fallen behind some rivals in areas such as chip design and contract chip manufacturing

This might be a good time to review Hynix. Wiki link here. The article is full of incredibly interesting data points for investors. The company's major customers include:

  • Microsoft
  • Apple
  • Asus
  • Dell,
  • MSI,
  • HP, Inc
  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Note which company is / companies are missing.

Now, most interesting, this April 3, 2024, article in The WSJ:

From the linked article:

  • an advanced chip-packaging facility (see below) in West Lafayette, IN;
  • mass produce high-bandwidth memory, or HBM, a critical component to AI
    • memory ≠ processing units (GPUs [Nvidia], or CPUs [AMD])
    • memory? Think MU (Micron)
  • to start mass production in 2H28; more than 1,000 jobs
  • state and local universities offered huge incentives
  • and then this: SK HYNIX currently dominates as the exclusive HBM partner to Nvidia's most advanced graphic-processor units -- the two types of chips get bundled together to enable the faster data-processing speeds needed fro generative AI such at ChatGPT
    • can you say M4?
  • Biden's CHIPS act is helping leading producers expand beyond the industry's traditional hubs in Texas, California and Oregon
    • the U.S. represented 37% of global chip manufacturing, though it had slumped to 12% within three decades.
    • now, spurred by incentives linked to 2022’s $53 billion Chips Act, semiconductor giants have envisioned new American production frontiers in the Midwest. Though the region lacks existing infrastructure, officials in Indiana, Ohio, Kansas and elsewhere pitch their lower overall costs, untapped labor forces and proximity to key resources.

Much more at the linked article, but you get the idea.

Chip-packaging: CPU + GPU + NPU = M4, integrated circuit packaging.

A Contrarian View: Prudence-Signaling

Link here

This is from just two days ago, June 28, 2024.

Production Data For Wells Coming Off Confidential List This Next Week -- June 20, 2024

Locator: 48025WELLS.

  • 40299, conf, Whiting, Sanish Bay E Federal 5292 31-6 3B, Sanish, npd,
  • 40253, conf, CLR, Benner 5-7H, Jim Creek, npd,
  • 39894, conf, Hess, EN-Madisyn-LE-154-94-0705H-10, Alkali Creek,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 40252, conf, CLR, Benner 4-7H, Jim Creek, npd,
  • 39964, conf, Petroshale, Primus 1TFH, Antelope, npd,
  • 39527, conf, Petro-Hunt, Burian 144-98-15B-22-2H, Little Knife, npd,
  • 39427, conf, Hunt, Blue Ridge 159-100-5-8H 3, Green Lake,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 40319, conf, Kraken, Maddie 10-15-22 3H, Ellisville, npd,
  • 40298, conf, Whiting, Sanish Bay E Federal 5292 31-6 4B, Sanish, npd,
  • 40234, conf, Empire North Dakota, Bobwhite 29-2 1H, Starbuck,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 39924, conf, Slawson, Switchback 4-21UTFH, Big Bend, npd,
  • 39528, conf, Petro-Hunt, Burian 144-98-15A-22-3H, Little Knife, npd,
  • 39428, conf, Hunt, Blue Ridge 159-100-5-8H 4, Green Lake,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 40382, conf, Kraken Maddie 10-15-22 4H, Ellisville, npd,
  • 40282, conf, Whiting, Sanish Bay E Federal 5292 31-6 5B, Sanish, npd,
  • 40251, conf, CLR Benner 3-7H, Jim Creek, npd,
  • 39925, conf, Slawson, Switchback 5-21UTFH, Big Bend, npd,
  • 40383, conf, Kraken, Maddie 10-15-22 5H, Ellisville,
  • 40250, conf, CLR, Benner 2-7HSL, Jim Creek, npd,
  • 40384, conf, Kraken, Wayne 11-14-23 2H, Ellisville, npd,
  • 40222, conf, CLR, Marshall 4-13H, Little Knife, npd,
  • 39892, conf, Hess, EN-Madisyn-LE-154-94-0705H-8, Alkali Creek,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 40306, conf, Stephens Williston, Cabot 15591-0112-5H, Stanley, npd, 
  • 40264, conf, Stephens Williston, Cabot 15591-0112-4H, Stanley, npd, 
  • 39895, conf, Hess, EN-Madisyn-LE-154-94-0705H-11, Alkali Creek,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 39224, conf, Hess, BL-Herfindahl-156-95-3031H-3, Beaver Lodge,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold