
Sunday, May 19, 2024

Might This Be Serious? Is Something Lost In Translation? Is A Hard Landing Similar To A Crash Landing? May 19, 2024

Locator: 47133IRAN.


Later, 10:56 p.m. CDT: all indications that the Iranian president has died in a helicopter crash in the mountains in northwest Iran.

Original Post 

The "President of Iran" is in the same position as our US VP Kamala Harris. Second to the "Big Guy." 

Must be really, really thick fog if rescue teams can't find the helicopter. And mountainous. And dark.

A helicopter-hard-landing in the fog in the mountains.


Reality Sucks -- The House Of Cards Appears To Be Falling -- May 19, 2024

Locator: 47132RENEWABLES.

Link here.  I think this has been previously posted, possibly in a different format.

Apple's Most Powerful Computer -- Historically -- Will Now Be Bested By The iPad -- May 19, 2024

Locator: 47131AAPL.

Apple: But there's much more to it than that. 

Link here.

Toyota Tacoma, link here.

Biden's nuisance fees: link here. Flight change fees scrapped by Frontier Airlines.

Anticipation: Looking Forward To Another Interesting Week -- May 19, 2024

Locator: 47130COPPER.

Before, we get started:

Now, Back To Copper

Link here.

Tech is tracked here.

Chips, semiconductor: link here.

 Key paragraph:

Unfortunately, the renewable energy revolution has not unfolded as many experts predicted, with metal prices sharply lower from their 2022 peak.
However, there’s one notable exception: copper.
The red-hot copper rally has propelled prices close to an all-time high of $5.10 per pound ($11,245 per ton), slightly lower than the historical peak of $5.13 per pound touched on May 15, 2024.
Copper prices are up 33.2% over the past 12 months.

Most Important Tee This Year? May 19, 2024

Locator: 47129SWIFT.

A lot going on at the moment.

The Book Page -- May 19, 2024

Locator: 47128BOOKS.

Clueless? Finally. Link here

The Book Page

Arrived today.

Link here

Wow, wow, wow -- what an incredible book:

  • foreword: 54 pages!
  • afterword: 12 pages!

What makes this even better! A lot on Lord Byron who truly inspired this story, and I've just finished a biography on Lord Byron a few weeks ago. See this post.

What sold me on the book, sight unseen? Introduction by Guillermo Del Toro. Probably one of the best movies ever.

Elsewhere, On Another Blog, I'm Updating Lessons Learned After 70 Years Of Life -- A Most Wonderful Life -- Always In Progress -- May 19, 2024

Locator: 47127LIFE.

A start.

Lessons Learned

99% of life is showing up.

  • seriously, this may be the most important lesson learned: 99% of life is simply showing up
  • generally speaking, it's better to arrive fashionably late, than not show up at all
  • if late, apologize to your host; explain why (even if it requires a bit of hyperbole, but don't lie)

Be wired to say "yes"; be wired to be "positive" --

  • "yes" is your default position
  • but if "yes" is not your "real" answer, qualify it later in the same conversation; preferably in the immediate response
  • under-promise; over-deliver 
  • be eager to volunteer but no what for what you are volunteering

Speaking / promising:

  • learn to speak in the passive voice and third person
  • always start with a "positive" response, even if it's nothing more than "thank you for asking"
  • just because a question is asked, it doesn't mean you have to answer, but you have to have to respond
  • answer the question you want to answer, not the question that was asked

No one likes to be around a "negative" person.

During your coming-of-age years: understand the difference --

  • platonic love vs romantic love
  • sexual / physical relationships; don't mis-read / mis-lead your "partner."

It goes without saying:

  • no smoking (no smoking)
  • no illicit drugs
  • no licit drugs unless an absolute must
  • no discussing licit drug use with others
  • no discussing personal medical issue with others -- except those with a need to know
  • "no" alcohol (note: "no" in quotes; willing to discuss)

It goes without saying:

  • don't carry weapons
  • take self-defense courses sooner than later (jiu-jitsu not taekwando)

It goes without saying:

  • maintain impeccable personal hygiene
  • beware
    • women may not like men's cologne
    • as a male, I would err on side of no cologne until I learn / know more
    • women's perfume: I have no clue what the current protocol is
  • dress your best -- that does not mean suit/tie or evening dress -- consider the setting
    • if unable to process this advice, watch a few movies from the 1940s and 1950s, such as the Thin Man series
  • when in public, assume someone is always watching you (you are on television 24/7 outside your apartment / dorm / house)

It goes without saying:

  • conversation in almost any setting: politics and religion are non-starters; high risk
  • better to listen than talk -- but don't be flower on the wall -- participate


  • it's all about others;
    • everyone likes to hear their name
    • read a book on how to remember names -- and use the techniques.
  • it's not about you.

Over-riding goal in life: leave the world better than you found it.

  • if God allows you only goal, this is it: leave the world better than you found it.

Learn the social graces.

  • eating / meals:
    • for fuel vs for social interaction -- don't confuse the two
      • in private, most of your meals: for fuel; manage weight
      • with one other (or more): social, business, not fuel
    • social, business meal: duration as long as your guest(s) want it to last (read / know your guest)
      • be among the last to finish your meal; do not be first to finish
      • but don't continue to eat after others have finished
    • don't give list of things you don't eat; "go with the flow" but control the situation
    • seating: learn where to sit in social / business situation; 
      • know who will be there before you arrive
      • read the room when you arrive
  • there is no such thing as a "social event" with your boss; 
    • every "social event" with your boss is a job / promotion interview -- trust me on this one
  • have at least three topics of interest for small -- but meaningful -- talk in mind
    • write them down on 3 x 5 note card if that will help
  • tattoos last forever (generally speaking)
    • a well-placed / well-drawn tattoo on WWII sailor -- a must
    • for everyone else: no.

Do not cause others to ping.

  • don't worry your parents; don't worry your partner;
  • solve your own problems; but help your partner solve his/her problems.
  • keep your parents in the loop -- but not in real-time.


  • at least
    • ten minutes every hour
    • one hour every day
  • develop a routine: treadmill, biking, swimming, walking, relaxed running
  • all things being equal:
    • best exercise: biking
    • second best: swimming (but takes more time)
    • third best: walking (treadmill or in the "wild")

Don't sell yourself short; set high goals. 

  • keep track of where you came from, where you are, and where you're headed

Don't waste a minute.

Certainly don't waste a summer.

Definitely don't waste a year.

Stay in touch -- don't burn bridges

You can never send too many thank you notes.

Document and date everything. Keep copies.

Keep journals. Handwriting beats typing.

  • journal first, handwriting, on the fly;
  • blogging: best way to keep dates, contacts, but doesn't replace hand-written journals.

Keep contact list.

Keep correspondence, original and / or copies, sent / received.

Cherish your friendships.

Never quit reading.

Take calculated risks.

See the world.

  • if the military is not in your future, spend one summer abroad, no matter what it costs
  • but do it on your own (or with a friend): youth hostels; lots of walking; two meals a day; one beer a day for the calories and a good night's sleep
  • do not go from college to graduate school without a summer abroad first

The military experience is under-rated and often poorly marketed.

  • high school seniors with no idea what to do: one could do worse than enlist, or
  • go to college with goal of :
    • officer's training school, USAF -- preferred option for most;
    • Marine Corps Officer Candidates School -- best option for the few, the proud, 

Take lessons / classes in strategic planning.  

In school:

  • look it up
  • write it down
  • do it now
  • stay away from folks with a negative attitude

Status Of Permits Awarded In February, 2023 -- About A Year Ago

Locator: 47126B.

The data: 70 total permits --

  • A: 1
  • Al/A: 1 (producing)
  • CONF/DRL: 4 (none producing)
  • CONF/NC: 2 (neither producing)
  • CONF/NP: 10 (none producing)
  • CONF/P: 8 (all producing)
  • DRL/A: 24 (all producing; some great wells)
  • DRY: 1
  • EXP: 6 (MRO)
  • F/A: 8 (all producing)
  • LOC/A: 1 (producing)
  • SWD: 4

Of those producing, these of interest, although almost all producing wells of those permitted in February, 2023, are doing very, very well:

  • 39652, drl/A, CLR, Brooks 4-9HSL1, Pembroke, t11/23; cum 114K 3/24;
PoolDateDaysBBLS OilRunsBBLS WaterMCF ProdMCF SoldVent/Flare
  • 39649, drl/A, Grayson Mill, Fleck 150-100-1-12-8H, Sandrocks, t10/23; cum 213K 3/24;
PoolDateDaysBBLS OilRunsBBLS WaterMCF ProdMCF SoldVent/Flare

  • 39650, drl/A, Grayson Mill, Fleck 150-99-6-7-9HLW, Sandrocks, t10/23; cum 136K 3/24;
PoolDateDaysBBLS OilRunsBBLS WaterMCF ProdMCF SoldVent/Flare

Apple Note -- May 19, 2024

Locator: 47125APPLE.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The iPhone SE is a series of lower-cost smartphones, part of the iPhone family designed by Apple. It may refer to:

After "decades" (?) of using a Nokia flip phone, Sprint provider, years ago, I finally broke down and turned in the Nokia flip phone for the first generation iPhone SE. I don't recall what year that was, but probably 2018 or thereabouts.

Later, I upgraded to the second generation until it finally broke down. 

Now, it's possible I skipped the second generation and waited for the third generation. So I forget. Either I have the third generation iPhone SE after two earlier iterations, or just one previous iteration.

Doesn't matter a lot. 

But today, I found the "old" iPhone SE -- either the first generation or the second generation -- I will check later if it still interests me -- but the point is this: having not used that older iPhone SE in a year or so, I plugged it back in, charged if for about twenty minutes and then turned it on.

It works perfectly and the phone itself is in pristine condition. I kid you now. I am absolutely amazed. 

The first generation iPhone:

  • Of note, the first generation SE, which I just found in my Apple drawer, and was given up for dead years ago and now seems to work perfectly:
  • supported through seven major versions of iOS, from iOS9 to iOS 15;
  • last iPhone to have the 3.5 mm stereo headphone jack, (whoo-hoo); and,
  • only 16 GB of internal storage (more on this later).

The second generation SE, which I may or may not have ever had.

  • Of note, the second generation iPhone SE,
  • a better camera; and,
  • 64 GB of storage (of which more will be said later).

 The third generation iPhone SE, which I now have.

Of note, the third generation iPhone SE:

  • a much better camera;
  • supports 5G (which means nothing to me; I just need it to work):;
  • 4 GB or RAM (a slight increase over the previous model and means nothing to me); and,
  • 64 GB of internal storage (of which I will talk about later).

Comments and Observations

Obsolecence: It's obvious that the basic iPhone "lasts forever." 

I've never seen the need to upgrade every year or even "very often."

Camera: However, that changes this year. I am really impressed with the photos that our older daughter gets with her iPhone. It's very possible I will be upgrading to new iPhones more often based simply on the camera. 

RAM and storage:

  • RAM: 3 GB to 4GB. I don't know if that makes any difference. One assumes Apple optimizes RAM with need and cost. Many disagree with me.
  • Storage: for some reason this comes up all the time on social media -- not enough storage (and to some extent, not enough RAM). But that may all change with the iPhone 16. If this is accurate, this is a game changer, and something analysts are not mentioning much. 

And if this is accurate, what pushed Apple to increase both RAM and storage: the need to be able to support AI. 

Extrapolate that across the smartphone universe and data centers. 

And then think about investments in the US equity market.

Disclaimer Briefly 

Reminder: I am inappropriately exuberant about the US economy and the US market, I am also inappropriately exuberant about all things Apple.

See disclaimer. This is not an investment site.

Disclaimer: this is not an investment site. Do not make any investment, financial, job, career, travel, or relationship decisions based on what you read here or think you may have read here. 

All my posts are done quickly: there will be content and typographical errors. If anything on any of my posts is important to you, go to the source. If/when I find typographical / content errors, I will correct them.  

Reminder: I am inappropriately exuberant about the US economy and the US market, I am also inappropriately exuberant about all things Apple.

Texas Relocations -- May 19, 2024

Locator: 47124TEXAS.

Link here

Last night, local news, feature-length story on Cacique Foods and the company's move to Texas. About eight states were considered, including New York State and new Mexico before Cacique settled on north Texas. Big drawing point: HQ can see DFW airport from their high-rise window.

The company will provide a job for any California employee that wants to move to Texas. It's possible the company will pay for the move. In addition, each employee coming from California will have the opportunity to live in a "house," and not an apartment, where many / most of them now live. Needs to be fact-checked to clarify exactly what was aired.  

Fastest Growing County In The County

Kaufman County, just to the east of Dallas.

The trilogy, west to east:

  • Tarrant County )Ft Worth) --> Dallas County --> Kaufman County.

For comparison, Cass County, North Dakota: 192,734.

Texas School Issue -- For The Archives -- May 19, 2024

Locator: 47123TEXAS.

Link here

The book. Just released:

The writer will be in the local area this next week for a speaking engagement and book-signing event -- will take place in one of the larger venues in the DFW area, and pretty much in the heart of hostile territory. 

Carroll Senior High School, link here: our oldest granddaughter spent a lot of time in the school's pool playing water polo for a club organization. No association with the school. 

I'm betting this story gets no national attention, but posted date-time stamp for bragging rights, just in case.

Acreage -- Pricing -- Bakken -- May 19, 2024

Locator: 47122B.

I may post more examples throughout the day but this is a start. I am posting these in response to a reader suggesting the value of his/her acreage in the Bakken.

So, here we go. 

First example, from the Eagle Ford, a "gassy field" among the shale oil plays. Mano a mano, the Bakken wells are better oil wells than Eagle Ford oil wells. See dashboards. See this link.

Original Post
From May 7, 2014, link here:
Reported earlier, Encana paid $3.1 billion for this in Eagle Ford --
The deal will give Encana 45,500 net acres in Karnes, Wilson and Atascosa counties in south Texas. The properties produced the equivalent of about 53,000 barrels of oil per day in the first quarter.

And then this, from the Bakken, just a few months ago, link here:

My Favorite Chart -- May 19, 2024

Locator: 47121MMF.

My favorite chart, link here:

When you see this chart, what's the first question you should ask? If you ask the right question, you will note that it's a "binary question." It has only two possible answers. I'll leave it at that.

PGA: Friday's "Event" Begs The Question -- May 19, 2024

Locator: 47120CLUELESS.

Question: of all the "stuff" talked about with regard to the PGA's "Friday event" and all the questions asked, the most glaring question / the most obvious question was never asked. This goes back to Tiger Woods. It's not as if there's no history here. So, I'll watch social media over at twitter and maybe even Reddit to see if anyone asks the question. My hunch: no one will see it. Mind boggling.

Scott Scheffler's net worth: estimated to be $50 million. Link here.

PGA commentator, host: Scott Van Pelt. One of the best sports commentators right now, perhaps the best.

Initial Production For Wells Coming Off Confidential List This Next Week -- May 19, 2024

Locator: 47119WELLS.

The wells:

  • 40184, conf, CLR, Sloan 5-8H, Jim Creek, npd,
  • 39383, conf, BR, Devils Backbone 3A UTFH, Westberg, npd,
  • 39326, conf, Hunt, Alexandria 161-100-22-15H3, Alexandria,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 40283, conf, Eagle Operating, Wade 5-11, Feldner Coulee, npd,
  • 39382, conf, BR, Devils Backbone 3B MBH, Westberg, npd,
  • 39577, conf, Prima Exploration, Elzy Lay 1H, Ft Buford, npd,
  • 39568, conf, Prima Exploration, Elzy Lay 2H, Ft Buford, npd,
  • 39381, conf, BR, Devils Backbone 3C UTFH, Westberg, npd,
  • 39656, conf, Hess, GO-Bergstrom-156-98-2734H-4, Wheelock,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 38141, conf, BR, Ole 7-1-29TFH, North Fork, npd,
  • 40183, conf, CLR, Sloan 4-8H, Jim Creek, npd,
  • 39657, conf, Hess, GO-Bergstrom-156-98-2734H-5, Wheelock,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 39404, conf, Whiting, Olson 31-31-2H, Dollar Joe,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 39403, conf, Whiting, Olson 31-31H, Dollar Joe,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 38142, conf, BR, Ole 9-1-29MBH, North Fork, npd,
  • 38143, conf, BR, Ole 8-1-29TFH, North Fork, npd,
  • 38144, conf, BR, Ole 9-1-29MBH, North Fork, npd,
  • 39878, conf, Liberty Resources, Overdorf W 158-96-1-12-2MBH, Temple,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold

Wells Coming Off The Confidential List This Next Week -- May 19, 2024

Locator: 47118WELLS.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024: 42 for the month; 106 for the quarter, 305 for the year
40184, conf, CLR, Sloan 5-8H,
39383, conf, BR, Devils Backbone 3A UTFH,
39326, conf, Hunt, Alexandria 161-100-22-15H3,

Tuesday, May 28, 2024: 39 for the month; 103 for the quarter, 302 for the year
40283, conf, Eagle Operating, Wade 5-11,

Monday, May 27, 2024: 38 for the month; 102 for the quarter, 301 for the year
39382, conf, BR, Devils Backbone 3B MBH,

Sunday, May 26, 2024: 37 for the month; 101 for the quarter, 300 for the year
39577, conf, Prima Exploration, Elzy Lay 1H,
39568, conf, Prima Exploration, Elzy Lay 2H,

Saturday, May 25, 2024: 35 for the month; 99 for the quarter, 298 for the year
39381, conf, BR, Devils Backbone 3C UTFH,

Friday, May 24, 2024: 34 for the month; 98 for the quarter, 297 for the year

Thursday, May 23, 2024: 34 for the month; 98 for the quarter, 297 for the year

Wednesday, May 22, 2024: 34 for the month; 98 for the quarter, 297 for the year
39656, conf, Hess, GO-Bergstrom-156-98-2734H-4,
38141, conf, BR, Ole 7-1-29TFH,

Tuesday, May 21, 2024: 32 for the month; 96 for the quarter, 295 for the year
40183, conf, CLR, Sloan 4-8H,
39657, conf, Hess, GO-Bergstrom-156-98-2734H-5,
39404, conf, Whiting, Olson 31-31-2H,
39403, conf, Whiting, Olson 31-31H,
38142, conf, BR, Ole 9-1-29MBH,

Monday, May 20, 2024: 27 for the month; 91 for the quarter, 290 for the year
38143, conf, BR, Ole 8-1-29TFH,

Sunday, May 19, 2024: 26 for the month; 90 for the quarter, 289 for the year
38144, conf, BR, Ole 9-1-29MBH,

Saturday, May 18, 2024: 25 for the month; 89 for the quarter, 288 for the year
39878, conf, Liberty Resources, Overdorf W 158-96-1-12-2MBH,