
Saturday, June 24, 2023

MRO Activity In The Bailey Oil Field -- June 24, 2023

Locator: 45040MRO. 

I still find this amazing, even after all these years: one oil company; one oil field; and all these wells in just the last few months coming on line.

MRO wells in the Bailey oil field, status, LOC:

  • 39769, Middleton,
  • 39770, Ebeltoft,
  • 39971, Beverly,

MRO wells in the Bailey oil field, status, DRL:

  • 38448, Rustad, 95K over 3.5 months;
  • 38449, Augusta, 95K over 3.5 months;
  • 38619, Wilma, 107K over 3.5 months;
  • 38620, Greenshields, 112K over 3.5 months;
  • 38791, Beesaw, 85K over 3.5 months;
  • 38501, Audrey, 122K over 5 months;
  • 38502, Odermann, 122K over 5 months;
  • 38503, Rice, 112K over 3.3 months;
  • 38790, Dunford, 141K over 4 months;
  • 30548, Juliet, PNC/drl;
  • 38017, Bean USA, loc/drl;
  • 38018, Borrud USA, loc/drl;
  • 38019, Chester USA, loc/drl;
  • 38020, Ellis USA, loc/drl;
  • 38021, Ott USA, loc/drl;
  • 38022, Sallie USA, loc/drl;
  • 38040, TR USA, just starting to produce; no data;
  • 38041, Terrel USA, loc/drl;
  • 38042, Reems USA, just starting to produce; 12K over 6 days;
  • 38043, Pavlish USA, loc/drl;
  • 38044, Millie USA, loc/drl;
  • 38045, Magdalena USA, loc/drl;

  • 39108, Pugh USA, just starting to produce, 15K over 6 days;
  • 39209, Maas USA, conf/drl;
  • 39210, GT USA, just starting to produce, no data;
  • 39251, Jim Creek, conf/drl;

  • 39361, Skip, conf/drl;
  • 39368, Red, conf/drl;
  • 39369, Amber, conf/drl;
  • 39370, Deuce, conf/drl;
  • 39371, Thompson, conf/drl;
  • 39372, Sandra, conf/drl;
  • 39373, Louise, conf/drl;
  • 39374, Peggy, conf/drl;
  • 39375, Beth, conf/drl;
  • 39376, Whalen, conf/drl;
  • 39377, Leah, conf/drl;

  • 39179, Cinninger, conf/drl;
  • 39180, Thorstein, conf/drl;

  • 39443, Bunk, conf/drl;
  • 39444, Luptak, conf/drl;
  • 39445, Margery, conf/drl;
  • 39446, Claudia, conf/drl;
  • 39110, Luhman, just started to produce:

The Luhman well:

  • 39110, drl/drl, MRO, Luhman 41-13H, Bailey oil field, t--; cum 43K 22 days; extrapolates to 58K over 30 days; spacing: 2560 acres (4 sections); API: 33-025-04514. frack: 3/3/23 - 3/13/23; 7.7 million gallons water, 64% fresh water, 24% brine;
Monthly Production Data
PoolDateDaysBBLS OilRunsBBLS WaterMCF ProdMCF SoldVent/Flare

Wells of interest:

  • 39109, Schokowsky 4-12H, Chimney Butte, 1280-acre spacing, t--; cum 45K over 27 days; API: 33-025-04513. frack: 2/18/23 - 2/28/23; 7.8 million gallons water, 62% fresh water, 26% brine;
PoolDateDaysBBLS OilRunsBBLS WaterMCF ProdMCF SoldVent/Flare
  • 20233, Marlin 44-12H, cum 337K 11/22; currently inactive.

The CLR Brangus Wells And Area Wells Have Been Updated -- June 24, 2023

Locator: 45039BRANGUS.  

Link here.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Sophia turns nine later this summer.

She has been training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for about a year.

This past year she earning four stripes on her white belt.

Today, in her Jinho academy belt ceremony, she was awarded / she earned her grey belt. 

I have to get a better photo of her with her grey belt. The photos below show her with her "old" white belt around her neck.

Of the 21 (?) students in the "belt ceremony" photo, approximately 15 earned a new stripe for their white belt. The remaining six were promoted from white belts to grey belts.  

Sophia is engaged in numerous after-school and summer activities -- to include sailing. Her favorite activity is jiu-jitsu. She says she lives and breathes jiu-jitsu. LOL.

Mark Zuckerberg 

Link here.

It appears in the photo at the linked article Mark Zuckerberg is also a "grey belt."

One can barely see his belt but his opponent clearly has a grey belt, and opponents are "always" same belt / same level of skill.

Mark also has a "green-yellow" belt which is worn by the victor following a match. The winner does not keep the belt; just long enough for the photo op.

Tournaments: based on weight class, gender, and skill level. Not age.

Actors in action movies often take Brazilian jiu-jitso to "learn how to fall."

Well, Well, Well -- It Looks Like CLR Has Been Completing The Brangus Wells In Elm Tree -- June 24, 2023

Locator: 45038BRANGUS.

From November 6, 2016, very deep Bakken wells

See this note.

The CLR Brangus wells are tracked here.

Updating two of those wells:

  • 32605, 1,995, CLR, Charolais North Federal 1-3H1, first bench of Three Forks , Elm Tree; 46 stages, 10 million lbs; bottom hole location 204' FSL & 1320' FEL, SWSE 10-153-94; 1280-acres; sections 3/10-153-94; t9/15/16; as of 12/16: cum 101K oil and 122 MCF natural gas = 121,474 boe as of 12/16; oil / natural gas split: 83% / 17%; definitely a small jump in 9/19; cum 780K 1/21; jump in production in 9/19, holds steady through 12/19; off line 6/20; remains off line 7/20; back on line 8/20; nice jump in production; cum 841K 10/21; cum 493K 9/22;cum 865K 4/23; but sporadic production recently suggesting activity in the area;
  • 32606, 2,305, CLR, Brangus North 1-2H2, Elm Tree, second bench of the Three Forks, 46 stages, 10 million lbs; 19 days of total drilling; within the target zone 94% of the total 9,852' of lateral section; this well is easily exceeding a 900,000 EUR type curve; link here; additional information here; and here; cattle names here; bottom hole location 236' FSL & 2014' FWL, SESW 11-153-94; March, 2016, a name change from Brangus Federal 1-2H1 to Brangus North 1-2H2; 1280-acre unit, sections 2/11-153-94; t9/2/16; as of 12/16: cum 152K oil and 192 MCF natural gas = 184,550 boe; oil/natural gas split: 83% / 17%; t9/16; cum 732K 1/21; off line 6/20; remains off line 7/20; back on line 8/20; nice jump in production; cum 785K 10/21; cum 841K 9/22; cum 866K 4/23; but sporadic production recently suggesting activity in the area;
Well of interest:
  • 37946, loc/A, CLR, Brangus FIU 13-11H, Elm Tree, t--; cum --: depth, 21,768 feet.
PoolDateDaysBBLS OilRunsBBLS WaterMCF ProdMCF SoldVent/Flare

See this map from December 26, 2021, link here.

Today's map:

Fourteen-well pad, #37945 - #37958, inclusive.

  • 37945, loc/drl, CLR, Brangus FIU 14-11H2, Elm Tree, t--; cum --;
  • 37946, loc/A, CLR, Brangus FIU 13-11H, Elm Tree, t--; cum --; producing;
  • 37947, loc/A, CLR, Brangus FIU 12-11H1, Elm Tree, t--; cum --; producing;
  • 37948, loc/drl, CLR, Brangus FIU 11-11H, Elm Tree, t--; cum --;
  • 37949, loc/A, CLR, Brangus FIU 10-11H, Elm Tree, t--; cum --; producing;
  • 37950, loc/drl, CLR, Brangus FIU 9-11H1, Elm Tree, t--; cum --;
  • 37951, loc/drl, CLR, Brangus Federal 8-11H, Elm Tree, t--; cum --; producing;
  • 37953, loc/drl, CLR, Brangus Federal 6-11H, Elm Tree, t--; cum --;
  • 37954, loc/drl, CLR, Brangus FIU 5-11H1, Elm Tree, t--; cum --;
  • 37955, loc/drl, CLR, Brangus FIU 4-11H, Elm Tree, t--; cum --;
  • 37956,, loc/drl, CLR, Brangus FIU 3-11H2, Elm Tree, t--; cum --;
  • 37957, loc/NC, CLR, Brangus FIU 2-11H, Elm Tree, t--; cum --;
  • 37958, loc/drl, CLR, Charolais South Federal 16-10HSL1, Elm Tree, t--; cum --;

SM Energy In South Texas -- An Update -- The Right Kind Of Oil In The Permian -- June 24, 2023

Locator: 45037WTI.

Link here.

Or direct to Oil & Gas Journal

Thanks to higher production in South Texas, two acquisitions and an easing in cost pressures, the leaders of SM Energy Co. have raised their output forecast for 2023 by 1 MMboe and lowered their capital spending guidance by $50 million.

The team led by president and chief executive officer Herb Vogel also has finalized a deal to pay $93.5 million for 20,000 net acres in Dawson and Martin counties in the Permian basin and bought 2,800 acres in the Midland basin adjacent to the roughly 6,300 it acquired earlier this year.

The lift in SM Energy’s production forecast from South Texas—which has the company on track to come in 4% higher than its initial second-quarter expectations—is being driven by both well performance and the faster-than-expected completion of additional oil handling capacity.
Vogel said SM’s Austin Chalk oil-heavy production is now flowing through larger pipes and able to handle the better-than-expected performance from both older wells and those put into service more recently.


  • $93.5 million / 20,000 net acres = <$5,000 / acre.
  • is that correct? My math has to be wrong.


  • Martin County: directly north of Midland by a couple of Texas miles;
  • Dawson: borders Martin County to the northwest, again, due north of Midland-Odessa

Clearing Out The In-Box -- Saturday Morning -- June 24, 2023

Locator: 45036MISC.

To say the least, after Wes Anderson and Asteroid City it's hard to return to the real world, but return we must. 

"They" say the Russian "mutiny" will fail but "they" don't give us their definition of "failure." [Later, same day: it’s over. Putin appears to have won. Prigozhin “exiled” to Belarus. Back to where we were.]

But even for Russia, this Russian invasion seems bizarre. Interestingly enough, but ironic, I suppose, "nukes" are not an option. LOL. Unless Putin wants to be the first commander-in-chief to do above-ground nuclear testing in his own country.

Time to learn a little bit about the history of Rostov. Seems like an important city, historically. 


  • at the mouth of the Don River; where the Don empties into the Sea of Azov;
  • the Sea of Azov is an internal Russian sea with passage to the Atlantic Ocean going through the Black, Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranean seas.
  • 1917: major contested city between Reds and Whites in Russia's civil war

I've never seen so many construction sites on a major highway.

Get Out The Popcorn

Another EV

Link here.

I would have absolutely no interest in this story except I am building a position (as they say on CNBC) in Ferrari. LOL.

Price: $200,000.

Wuhan: An Inconvenient Truth

Just when you thought you had it all figured out: no, Virginia, there was no Covid-19 virus at Wuhan before the pandemic: The WSJ.

There is no evidence a Chinese laboratory at the center of the debate over Covid-19’s origins conducted genetic engineering on viruses related to the one that caused the pandemic, or held such viruses in its stockpiles before the 2019 outbreak, U.S. intelligence agencies said Friday.

In a report required by Congress, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said it remains unable to pinpoint the pandemic’s origins, with spy agencies divided on whether the virus passed to humans via an infected animal or a laboratory accident. The report is a summary of findings by major U.S. intelligence agencies.

The report acknowledged publicly for the first time the assessment of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Energy Department that a “laboratory-related incident” was most likely responsible for the pandemic that has killed nearly seven million people worldwide, while other agencies believe natural infection was the cause. The Central Intelligence Agency and another unnamed agency say they are unable to pinpoint the cause, the report said.

Another story Tucker won't cover. If he does, it won't be reported accurately.

Sophia's Workspace

Asteroid City, A Wes Anderson Movie -- June 24, 2023

Locator: 45035MOVIES.


June 28, 2023:

  • Wes Anderson movie: most agree that Tom Hanks' role meant for Bill Murray
    • most also agree, Tom Hanks not Bill Murray; sad for the movie and the viewers.
  • Wes Anderson movie: all of a sudden, overnight, the reviews rave about Asteroid City.
  • Wes Anderson movie: somewhat misleading headline but accurate --
    • Scarlett Johansson's new movie Asteroid City sets box office record; full frontal seems not to have been mentioned anywhere (?); up there with Fatal Attraction?

Original Post 

A great movie is one you want to see again. I want to see Asteroid City again.

Do not go to Asteroid City if you are not a Wes Anderson fan.

Even for Wes Anderson this movie is quirky, and, do I dare say it, "over the top"?

I have not seen all his movies, but this one seems he has taken his movie-making, if not to a new level, definitely in a really, really different direction. 

This is the first movie in my life that I made a point of seeing on opening day. And I did. The 10:00 p.m. showing.

Reviews everywhere.

These were the first ones I read and in this order:

  • Esquire: a big-hearted masterpiece;
  • Twin Cities: profound; feels like movie of the summer;
  • Seattle Times: spreads his wings, mostly smooth ride;
  • BBC: even Wes Anderson fans may be irritated by this "empty" and "cartoonish" film;
  • The New Yorker: humans can leave impact craters, too; Anthony Lane -- raves abut Scarlett Johansson.
  • The [London] Guardian: less than expected. Falls apart. But another good review.

But you have to be a Wes Anderson fan to enjoy this movie. I can't imagine any woman friend in my entire life that would enjoy this film. My wife would hate it. LOL. I had to see this movie alone, without snarky comments while watching.

Way different than The Grand Budapest Hotel

Had elements of Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance): play within a play; meaning of life; A-list actors wanting to be in this movie.

Tom Hanks: playing Tom Hanks in a very small roll but lots of screen time. Too much screen time? As with all actors, no character development. Among 50+ named actors in the credits, he may have been the biggest disappointment. 

Seven Carell: I don't care for him, but he played his role perfectly. It seemed none of these A-list actors felt they had to bee a "lead" actor. Sort of like Willie Nelson and his duets. Never takes the lead in duets.

Tom Hanks' three granddaughters: they alone are worth the price of this movie. Seniors did not get a discount for this movie on opening day (at our local Cinepolis). The three granddaughters, right out of Shakespeare's three witches in MacBeth right down to the cauldron, but this time a Tupperware urn. I've yet to see a reviewer mention that connection, so there's that.

I probably missed 90% of the inside jokes and Hollywood references. 

Would I see it again today? Maybe have to wait a day. I don't know.

Wow, there really are some great scenes: Matt Dillon as a mechanic. Wes Anderson and Matt Dillon exactly capture what they (and all of us) experience when we take our car in for repair; repair, not maintenance. Especially road repair on a road trip. It's either going to cost us 75 cents or $7,500.