
Monday, October 15, 2018

Natural Gas: Just When Things Seemed To Be Going So Well For Trump's America -- October 15, 2018

October 16, 2018: a reader -- who knows much more about natural gas than I do -- provided his 30-second elevator speech in a comment which I brought up here for easier access --
We'll go into winter with natural gas supplies at a 15 year low (EIA says 13) but because of the coming El Nino winter, we will not experience widespread shortages or a price spike...(supplies in the Midwest are 13.2% below normal, while supplies in the East are now only 9.1% below normal for this time of year...)
However, because El Nino flips the continental US weather (warm in the north, cold in the South) we may see spot shortages in the South Central region, where their natural gas storage deficit decreased to 25.0% below their five-year average..
October 15, 2018: for investors, this seems to be another open-book test. 

October 15, 2018: oh-oh. Maybe the Natural Gas Supply Association spoke too soon. From SeekingAlpha --
Bullish weather forecasts again led to a sharp rally in core winter natural gas contracts to start the week, boosting November natural gas prices by more than $0.08 to $3.242/MMBtu, and spot gas jumped $0.17 to $3.135/MMBtu as early-season cold drove up demand across much of the U.S.
With unseasonably low temperatures expected to persist through the end of October, NatGasWeather expects the coming weather pattern to further raise storage inventory deficits vs. the five-year average to more than 650 Bcf and likely toward 700 Bcf.
The background state will remain bullish for quite some time until record production finally shows signs of improving deficits, “something that’s not expected to happen until after October due to the coming colder-than-normal pattern," the forecaster says.
In the SeekingAlpha note above, the writer suggests the deficit could trend toward 700 Bcf. In the graphic from last week, "stocks were 627 Bcf less than last year at this time and 607 Bcf below the five-year average.

My 30-second elevator speech:
  • natural gas will be the talk of the town in New England as prices rise from $3-nat gas to $6-nat gas
  • natural gas will be the talk of the town but there will be no crises, no emergencies; the drillers; and natural gas suppliers will be able to respond -- after all, this is Trump's America;
  • Pocahontas will have all the answers; and, 
  • President Trump owes her $1 million
History of natural gas prices, link here:

Original Post
October 3, 2018 

If this turns out to be accurate, there is no reason for someone like me to track the natural gas fill rate any more. If we get through a "cold" winter with no problems this winter, I will no longer follow the natural gas fill rate.

From twitter:

From Platts:
The Natural Gas Supply Association anticipates lower storage levels will be countered by soaring production this winter, resulting in neutral pressure on wholesale natural gas prices, despite record domestic consumption this winter.
The outlook anticipates a record demand of 102.7 Bcf/d, mostly tied to an increase in electric sector and industrial use of gas, as well as exports, combining to add 3.4 Bcf/d, on average, to consumption.
On the supply side, lower storage inventories at the start of the winter -- 3.3 Tcf versus about 3.8 Tcf last winter -- were seen as exerting upward pressure on prices this winter compared with last. In contrast, offering downward pressure, production this winter was forecast to average 84.9 Bcf/d, up from 77.4 Bcf/d last winter.
Much more at the link.

A Riddle

How does one make a perfect right angle without a compass? All you have to work with is the concept of lines.

Howard Bloom explains how the Sumerians, four thousand years ago, made perfect right angles which were absolutely crucial in building their ziggurats.

From wiki:
Ziggurat: (in ancient Mesopotamia) a rectangular stepped tower, sometimes surmounted by a temple. Ziggurats are first attested in the late 3rd millennium BC and probably inspired the biblical story of the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11:1–9).
The angles had to be perfect if the tall towers were not to topple over.

From Howard Bloom's The God Problem, page 105:

If the angle at which your walls meet is off by even a bit, you will build an unstable structure, a crooked tower. But you don't have the concept of an angle. Any kind of angle. And you don't have a word for a "right angle." What's more, you are fourteen hundred years away from the notion of ninety degrees. So how do you make sure that you've got your corner angle, your right angle right? You do it with scratch marks in clay. You do it with numbers. Naked numbers. And with the strange patterns that numbers summon forth.

The Sumerians laid their bricks -- each nineteen modern inches long -- forming perfect right angles for their ziggurats. No compass. How did they do it?

The answer is very, very clever. I can't wait to tell our oldest granddaughter who is taking geometry this year how it was done. Again, no concept of "angles" and certainly no concept of "degrees," and yet the Sumerians knew how to make what we would call ninety-degree angles.

My hunch: every blue-collar carpenter out there knows the answer.

And Just When Things Seemed To Be Going So Well For Crown Prince MBS -- October 15, 2018

It will be interesting to look at the numbers a few months from now after the Kashoggi story plays out. My hunch: this story will fade away sooner than later. After all, to quote a former US Secretary of State, "what does IT matter?"

But for now, one can say this:
  • short term it looks like Saudi Arabia has turned the corner; and,
  • Saudi Arabia has a long way to get back to where it was
Link here.


Two New Permits; CLR Is Really Active In The Brooklyn Oil Field -- October 15, 2018; North Dakota Back To 69 Active Rigs Going Into The Fall

India: won't hit its 2022 renewable energy target. I'm shocked! Shocked! Will Algore demand sanctions on India?

Sad, really, really sad: Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen dead at age 65.

Cherokee nation: Elizabeth Warren has opened a can of worms. We're all Native Americans if her DNA is accurate and the date is correct. At best, she is 1,024th part Cherokee, which is slightly less than what the average European-American is. Very, very interesting. And no, I'm not posting the Cher video again. The Atlantic, January 26, 2015. Genetic testing and Native Americans is a huge story. Probably bigger than the Bakken.

Marijuana: CNBC talking head says polls suggest North Dakota could be next state to approve legalization of marijuana.

Back to the Bakken

Active rigs:

Active Rigs69593166190

WTI: have we seen the recent bottom? WTI's floor of $70 held; it seems the Saudi Khashoggi affair could affect price of oil either way (up/down); it seems like there are more factors likely to drive the price of WTI up rather than down; 

Two new permits:
  • Operator: CLR
  • Field: Brooklyn (Williams)
  • Comments: wow, CLR is really active in the Brooklyn oil field; coincidentally, I updated many of the wells in Brooklyn oil field earlier this afternoon; Brooklyn oil field is tracked here; I've always considered Brooklyn oil field a mediocre (at best) oil field in the Bakken, but CLR seems to really testing this field. We're going to see a lot of effect on older wells when newer wells are drilled. See graphic of field below and at the link.
Seventeen permits renewed:
CLR (9): three Bliss permits and three Elveida permits permits (all six in Divide County); one Cuskelly permit in Dunn County; two Boulder Federal permits in McKenzie County
EOG (5): four Burke permits (Mountrail County) and one West Clark permit (McKenzie County); 
Slawson (3): three Armada Federal permits in Mountrail County
One producing well (a DUC) reported as completed:
  • 33996, 1,527, Hess, BB-Burk-151-95-1807H-6, McKenzie, t9/18; cum -- 
With regard to the Hess BB-Burk well, the other day, this was noted --
  • 33995, 2,363, Hess, BB-Burk-151-95-1807H-7, Blue Buttes, 9/18; cum --; part of a 10-well pad running south to north; neighboring 5-well pad running north to south:
    • 17060, off-line;
    • 23499, coming back on line after being off line for one-two months;
    • 23500, ditto,
    • 23501, never off line, no jump in production,
    • 23502, ditto
From the "Fields and Field Updates" page:
  • Blue Buttes: sweet spot in the Bakken; west of the reservation; an old field; "owned" by Hess

Brooklyn oil field (see above):

The Market, Energy, And Political Page, Part 2, T+63 -- October 15, 2018

Earlier I mentioned that I've started following "crudehead" over at Twitter. That and 50 cents will get you a senior cup of coffee at McDonald's. No such discount at Starbucks, alas.

But I digress. Back to "crudehead." His/her general theme seems to be:
  • says if either supply side/demand side deviates from expectations, pricing can get very, very "messy" -- in either direction I assume
Which doesn't seem particularly profound. I don't know if he/she (and from now on, I plan to use the literary "he") leans toward being an "oil peaker" or not. But I think so. Regardless, this screenshot probably encapsulates the "supply-demand" argument as well as any:

If South Korea cuts Iran oil to zero, where is the "spare capacity"? Where is the supply?

China's teapot refineries: more oil, please.

The Book Page 

My two books of consequence this week:
  • The Double Bond, Primo Levi: A Biography, Carole Angier, c. 2002
  • The Aeneid, Virgil, translated by Frederick Ahl, c. 2007, introduction by Elaine Fantham
Frederick Ahl:
  • Classics and Comparative Literature, Cornell  University (presently)
  • College Year, Athens
  • as performed in and directed a wide range of plays in Greece and the US
  • has authored other books on Greek plays and playwrights
Elaine Fantham
Princeton University, 1986 - 2000
author of other books on the classics

An article in the current issue of The New Yorker brought me to The Aeneid.

Deep in the recesses of my mind, Dr Ford and her supporters label her a survivor. They need to read the history of Ravensbrück. Perhaps that's was brought me to a biography of Primo Levi, who authored Survival in Auschwitz, which I have not read, but will probably read after I finish Carole's biography.

"Survival" and "survivor" seem to be two words currently in fashion.

A Dirac Unit

Link here.

From another blogger:
Reading a new biography of the Nobel-winning physicist P. A. M. Dirac, I found a different definition of the unit Dirac, i.e., one word per hour. This definition is more realistic than the former.

The relevant description [refers to a] "unit of taciturnity."

Surely the unit commemorates Dirac's taciturnity, but it should be called a unit not of taciturnity but of volubility or talkativeness, because the number of words per unit time is smaller for the person of higher taciturnity.
Like me, it appears, that blogger has too much time on his/her hands. LOL.

For the record, I always thought the Dirac unit was a unit of "talkativeness," and not "taciturnity."

The Market, Energy, And Political Page, T+63 -- October 15, 2018

From the daily note: in the heavyweight fight of the week, Leslie Stahl vs The Donald, Hollywood's Variety gave a unanimous TKO to the latter.

Notes to the Granddaughters

Yesterday I was talking to our oldest granddaughter about George Gamow, the rock star among physicists back in the day. From The God Problem, Howard Bloom, c. 2016, page 63:
The slamdown of big bang versus steady state was not a battle between mere schlumps. On one side was a six-foot-three-inch, hard-drinking, hard-thinking Russian American with a fabulous sense of humor and an equally fabulous scientific background, George Gamow.

Gamow was a physicist, cosmologist, and mathematician who successfully escaped the Soviet Union at a time when defection was punished by death ...

Gamow had worked out the mystery of radioactive decay. He had explained something radically new -- quantum tunneling -- how a particle slips through energy barriers that should not let it pass.

He had worked on the question of how new elements are generated in the hearts of stars.

He had perfected equations that predicted the life course of newborn galaxies.

He had worked in England with one of the greatest and most headline-making scientists of the early twentieth century, Nobel Prize-winner Ernest Rutherford, the father of nuclear physics.

He had worked in Denmark on quantum physics with the field's founder, Niels Bohr, at the Institute for Theoretical Physics in Copenhagen, the city that gave quantum physics its dominant form -- the Copenhagen interpretation.

But that's not all.

Gamow had also come up with a mathematical explanation of why the universe is 99 percent hydrogen and helium.

He'd been the youngest scientist ever elected to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

What's more, he was the man who had given James Watson and Francis Crick -- the discoverers of DNA -- a central clue to the language of the double helix, a central clue to the genetic code. (that's what I was talking about when I was talking to Arianna -- a physicist/mathematician who cracked the language code in DNA; which he did after reading one article by Watson and Crick)

And, Gamow had helped name the thermonuclear reactions that led to the atomic bomb.
On the other side of the argument, the steady state argument: Fred Hoyle. 

Khashoggi Crisis? Hardly Looks That Way Based On Price Of Oil Today -- October 15, 2018

I just started following "crudehead" over at twitter. Not sure where he/she stands on oil because I only just started following. Gist of recent posts:
  • knows his/her stuff
  • bullish on supply side (feels supply is a lot tighter than folks realize)
  • says Saudi will shoot for 10.8 million in October, 2018; never been done before; that was back in late September; "crudehead" says price structure suggests traders don't buy into Saudi's talk
  • bearish on demand side; recent talk that daily demand will rise 1.3 million bopd he/she says is very, very unlikely
  • says if either supply side/demand side deviates from expectations, pricing can get very, very "messy" -- in either direction I assume
With the Khashoggi crisis, what's oil doing today?
  • Brent: down a half-percent, back below $80
  • WTI: trending toward $70; down a third of a percent, trading at $71
  • OPEC basket: huge drop -- dropped 2.5% and now trading at $80
Despite the headline: "Saudis lash out at US in complete deterioration of relations," it certainly doesn't look like that based on oil prices -- unless Saudi plans to retaliate by flooding market with oil.

Knowing President Trump, knowing diplomacy, and knowing, I have trouble accepting that there has been a complete deterioration in relations. I think somebody needs to get a grip.

More likely: "Gulf of Mexico oil and gas production rebounds after Hurricane Michael." -- also over at

  • Tinker, Tailor: the interrogation scene
  • "The Usual Suspects": Keyser Soze / Kobayashi
  • life imitating art
  • this, too, shall pass
  • the Leslie Stahl interview: already forgotten
The Falling Cup Scene, The Usual Suspects

The Sports Page

Our middle granddaughter lives and breathes soccer. Today she was fortunate enough to be in attendance to see the US women's soccer team qualify for the 2019 World Cup.

The sports story is at this link. From the link:
FRISCO, Texas—The U.S. Women’s Soccer team is in.
The Americans beat Jamaica 6-0 in a semifinal game of the Concacaf Women’s Championship on Sunday night at Toyota Stadium, clinching a spot in the 2019 Women’s World Cup in France. The top three teams in the Concacaf tournament qualify under the rules of the Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football.
This will be the U.S. women’s eighth World Cup. They’ve never missed one, and they’re the defending champions. The tournament draw is Dec. 8, and play kicks off June 7 in Paris.
Dallas Cowboys World Headquarters and stadium is also up in Frisco. 

Results Of Wells Coming Off Confidential List -- October 15, 2018

These are the wells coming off the confidential list over the weekend and today.

Kraken Operating is not afraid of using sand -- using in excess of 20 million lbs. Wow.

CLR has a great second bench well. Think about that for a minute. And the roughnecks are still drilling the vertical in two days, building the curve in about 1.5 days; and drilling the lateral in about 2.5 days. I think this incredibly remarkable. And they do it day after day, and rarely do they have a "miss." Anyone that's followed the oil industry has to know that it's just remarkable to have success rates like this. And I guess that's why it's called the "manufacturing" stage in the Bakken. 

Monday, October 15, 2018:
  • 34473, SI/NC,  XTO, FBIR Ironwoman 31X-10G, Heart Butte, no production data, 
  • 34140, SI/NC, WPX, Raptor 13-24HEL, Reunion Bay, no production data,
  • 29773, 213, Slawson, Gobbler Federal 3-35-26TFH, Big Bend, no presidential pardon for this one, just in time for Thanksgiving; t8/18; cum --; vertical drilled in 55 hours; drilling of the curve began on May 7, 2018, just after midnight, and completed in 15 hours; the lateral section begun in late afternoon on May 9, and was drilled in 51.5 hours; TD of 20,190 feet; gas peaked at 2,717 units; the wellbore was in the zone 100%;
Sunday, October 14, 2018:
  • 34472, SI/NC,  XTO, FBIR Ironwoman 31X-10C, Heart Butte, no production data, 
  • 33821, 961,  Oasis, Lite 5393 11-11 3BX, Sanish, 50 stages; 10.1 million lbs, big well; t4/18; cum 102K 8/18; 
  • 33454, 738, Equinor Energy, Weisz 11-14 6H, Painted Woods, 48 stages; 9.5 million lbs, t4/18; cum 35K 8/18;
Saturday, October 13, 2018:
  • 34418, 930, Kraken Operating, Michelle Lauren 1H, New Home, 60 stages; 20 million lbs, a nice well; t4/18; cum 84K 8/18;
  • 34417, 679,  Kraken Operating, Ellie Rose 11TFH, New Home, 60 stages; 20 million lbs, a nice well; t4/18; cum 75K 8/18;
  • 33820, 683,  Oasis, Lite 5393 11-11 4TX, Sanish, 50 stages; 10 million lbs, a nice well; t4/18; cum 81K 8/18;
  • 33558, 2,294,  CLR, Mountain Gap 4-10H2, Rattlesnake Point, second bench; two days to drill vertical portion; the curve took about 36 hours to build; error in reporting dates so unable to tell how long it took to drill the lateral, probably two days; gas exceeded 6,000 units; at one time reaching 7,800 units; flare maxed at 5 feet; 64 stages; 10 million lbs, a huge well; t7/18; cum 77K 8/18;
  • 32019, SI/NC,  Hess, CA-Stangeland-155-95-2128H-7, Capa, no production data, 

Saudi Arabia Will "Take The Gloves Off" -- October 15, 2018

Why I love to blog: yesterday I posted this -- Saudi Arabia: Vision 2030 -- Saudi Aramco IPO -- petrochemical behemoth -- down the tubes?

Today, a headline story in the WSJ -- "Saudi's economic dreams falter as western executives quit conference." Wow. JP Morgan's Dimon among a host of executives pulling out of Riyadh's premier business conference.
Saudi Arabia’s dream of becoming an investment hub in the desert is unraveling.
JPMorgan Chase & Co. Chief Executive James Dimon on Sunday became the latest prominent executive to back out of the kingdom’s premier business conference amid questions about the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Mr. Dimon had been a featured speaker, and his bank has longstanding ties to Saudi Arabia and is advising it on deals.
Mr. Dimon’s decision was swiftly joined by two other Wall Street titans: Laurence Fink, chief executive of the world’s largest asset manager, BlackRock Inc.; and Stephen Schwarzman, CEO of private-equity giant Blackstone Group, according to people familiar with the matter.
The three men spoke over the weekend and speculated that the Saudis might cancel the conference, according to a person familiar with the matter. They announced their decisions after it became clear that the event wouldn’t be canceled, the person said.
In a separate story, "BlackRock CEO pulls out of Saudi conference." 

I suspect we will see talk from Saudi Arabia that "the gloves are off." They will push oil to $100. Just in time for the mid-term elections.

Meanwhile, US SecState Mike Pompeo will meet with King Salman of Saudi Arabia at Trump's direction. 

The Book Page

From Jeremy Bernstein's 2013 A Palette of Particles, the pion and the muon, page 61.
In the mid-1930's the number of elementary particles that had actually been observed could be counted on the fingers of one hand: the proton, the neutron, the photon, the electron, and the positron ... by the time WWII broke out, the muon had been added to the list. The pion was not observed until 1947.

1934: Hideki Yukawa -- predicted a new particle which was originally called a mu-meson (now called the muon). He predicted the mass of this new particle to be about 200x that of the electron. He originally called it a "heavy quantum." In a Feynman diagram, it is a "pi-minus" particle. Yukawa thought it was the source of the "strong force" but he was wrong. The muon was unstable and decayed into an electron and two neutrinos. It had nothing to do with the strong force.

The real Yukawa particle was found in cosmic rays in 1947.

The Yukawa particle became known as the pi-meson (later the pion). Pions came in three varieties: positive, negative, and zero charge. The charged varieties decayed rapidly into muons and neutrinos, and that is why muons were observed before pions: the parent pi-mesons (pions) had decayed away into muons.
The zero-charged pions (the neutral pions) decayed into two very energetic gamma rays.
Gamma rays and X-rays are both electromagnetic radiation and they have a considerable overlap in the electromagnetic spectrum; so that over a range of energies they cannot be differentiated by detection only. To distinguish them their origin must be known, and in the case of X-rays, the origin is outside the nucleus due to electron interaction. 
So, gamma rays from the radioactive decay of the nucleus; X-rays from outside the nucleus, from electron interaction.

For his work, Yukawa was awarded the 1949 Nobel Prize -- the first Japanese to have earned one.

The problem with this discovery: physicists now identified a completely unexpected plethora of new mesons.

From wiki:
Mesons are the associated quantum-field particles that transmit the nuclear force between hadrons that pull those together into a nucleus. Their effect is analogous to photons that are the force carriers that transmit the electromagnetic force of attraction between oppositely charged protons and electrons that allow individual atoms to exist, and further, to pull atoms together into molecules.
Bottom line:
  • photons: electromagnetic glue, holding the atom together, holding the proton and the electron together
  • mesons: the nuclear glue, holding protons together within the nucleus
It is interesting to note, something I have not seen commented on in the literature, is that as the number of protons go up in atoms, the number of neutrons rises more quickly, if that makes sense. For example, in helium: two protons and two neutrons, whereas uranium-92 has 92 protons and 146 neutrons.

Road To California -- October 15, 2018; Fact-Checking Alaska Data

COP: From SeekingAlpha, COP loves Alaska crude.
ConocoPhillips has a major understated presence in Alaska. As a source of roughly half a million barrels per day of conventional oil production, Alaska’s upstream sector is highly profitable. During the worst of the 2014-2017 downturn, ConocoPhillips still churned out $4 million in net income from its Alaskan division in 2015 and $319 million in 2016.
That grew to $1.466 billion last year, which is better put as an adjusted $684 million (excluding major tax benefits and impairment charges).
In the years to come, ConocoPhillips is likely to keep posting higher and higher net income generation from its Alaskan division. 
Disclaimer: this is not an investment site. Do not make any investment, financial, job, travel, or relationship decisions based on anything you read here or think you may have read here.

The reason I re-posted the above? From the same linked article:
Another huge factor in Alaska's favor is the ability to realize Alaskan North Slope pricing. The Alaskan Department of Revenue's website notes that ANS West Coast pricing was roughly $9/barrel higher than West Texas Intermediate pricing on October 11, 2018. This is due to Alaskan oil producers being able to sell all of their output to international buyers as warranted, which means buyers in Washington state and California need to be prepared to pay Brent-ish prices if they want Alaskan oil barrels.
Alaska crude trades at a $9-premium to WTI -- and California is a big buyer of Alaskan crude.

Alaska: the writer of the SeekingAlpha article above says, about Alaska:
There is another key factor working in Alaska's favor readers need to keep in mind. On May 21, 2013, Alaska’s state government passed SB 21 into law. Most importantly, this law stimulated exploration and production endeavors in an effort to reverse Alaska’s multi-decade long oil production decline. Guess what, it worked. From 2014 onward, Alaska has slowly been rebuilding its upstream sector as its crude oil production rose each year over the past three years, according to the EIA (and this growth will likely continue through 2018 onwards).
I must be looking at a different EIA site than the Seeking Alpha contributor. Here's the EIA data for Alaska field production:

And the EIA data for Alaska north slope (ANS) production:

Alaska field production is flat and ANS production is actually less than what it was in 2013.

Road Trip

Shoshoni, WY, to Thermopolis, WY, October, 2018

Morning Note -- October 15, 2018

Global warming hits north Texas: wow, it's cold and rainy this morning. And it's going to be this way for a couple of days. This is the earliest winter I've seen in eleven years in Texas. Amazing. Hearing similar stories from across the US.

Great to be home again.

Politics. I watched a bit -- about five minutes -- of the CBS interview of President Trump last night. Leslie did everything she could in those five minutes to get Trump to "blow up" and walk out. Wow, he does not get rattled. And much, much more entertaining to watch than his predecessor. But five minutes was more than enough.

COP: it seems like this is odd but maybe not. My bad. I misread the headline. From SeekingAlpha, COP loves Alaska crude.
ConocoPhillips has a major understated presence in Alaska. As a source of roughly half a million barrels per day of conventional oil production, Alaska’s upstream sector is highly profitable. During the worst of the 2014-2017 downturn, ConocoPhillips still churned out $4 million in net income from its Alaskan division in 2015 and $319 million in 2016.
That grew to $1.466 billion last year, which is better put as an adjusted $684 million (excluding major tax benefits and impairment charges).
In the years to come, ConocoPhillips is likely to keep posting higher and higher net income generation from its Alaskan division. 
Disclaimer: this is not an investment site. Do not make any investment, financial, job, travel, or relationship decisions based on anything you read here or think you may have read here.

Back to the Bakken

Wells coming off confidential list today -- 
Monday, October 15, 2018:
34473, conf,  XTO, FBIR Ironwoman 31X-10G, Heart Butte, no production data, 
34140, conf, WPX, Raptor 13-24HEL, Reunion Bay, no production data,
29773, conf, Slawson, Gobbler Federal 3-35-26TFH, Big Bend, no presidential pardon for this one, just in time for Thanksgiving;

Sunday, October 14, 2018:
34472, conf,  XTO, FBIR Ironwoman 31X-10C, Heart Butte, no production data, 
33821, conf,  Oasis, Lite 5393 11-11 3BX, Sanish, big well;  
33454, conf, Equinor Energy, Weisz 11-14 6H, Painted Woods, producing, albeit not that great;

Saturday, October 13, 2018:
34418, conf, Krakkne Operating, Michelle Lauren 1H, New Home, a nice well;
34417, conf,  Kraken Operating, Ellie Rose 11TFH, New Home, a nice well;
33820, conf,  Oasis, Lite 5393 11-11 4TX, Sanish, a nice well; 
33558, conf,  CLR, Mountain Gap 4-10H2, Rattlesnake Point, a huge well;
32019, conf,  Hess, CA-Stangeland-155-95-2128H-7, Capa, no production data,

Active rigs:

Active Rigs67593166190

RBN Energy: part 5, should Cushing be rename the "blending capital of the world"?