
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

American Oil And Gas Reports Another Nice Well

Back in April, 2010, I highlighted four AEZ wells that might be interesting to follow. They were all in Williams County, northwest of Williston, and either wildcats or in areas with little history.

Today, finally, I've updated the results of the fourth and last well, Bergstrom 15-23H. It was the best of the four. It had a 24-hour IP of 3,049 boepd (2,395 bopd). It was a wildcat and completed with 36 facture stages.

AEZ's working interest in this well was 95 percent. That takes a lot of confidence.

Hess has announced it will buy AEZ.

Hebron Update: Wiseman 1-31H Spudded

Wiseman 1-31H is now drilling in Hebron. Start date was 7/27/2010.

In the big scheme of things this is no big deal; there is no hidden agenda or any other reason to have posted this, except to thank the individual who sent me the "one-liner" above to let me know that Wiseman has spudded.

You have no idea how much fun I have driving around the back roads trying to locate the wells I see on the GIS server.

SeekingAlpha: How to Play the Bakken Now

SeekingAlpha article on how to play the Bakken now: the pipelines.

The Bakken production is being held back or will be held back by lack of infrastructure to ship all that oil -- according to the story. I'm not sure how accurate that is, and if production is being held up, to what extent?

But remember: record number of wells in the Bakken and drillers are completing wells in record time could put pressure on takeaway capacity in the future.

I hold ENB and EEP; ENB for growth and EEP for income. I have posted recently on ONEOK. I follow the TransCanada story but do not hold.

ENB and EEP are both affected by the recent upper Midwest (Michigan) oil spill.

By the way: the SeekingAlpha article did not cite the source for it's statement that Enbridge intends to double its capacity in North Dakota but I believe I was the first to catch that interesting tidbit in a photo caption of a local newspaper.

Milliondollarway, ONEOK, TransCanada, and Enbridge.....yup.

MDU: The Cost of Going Green

MDU to ask for 13 percent rate increase to cover the costs of wind energy.

Montana law requires electric utilities to generate at least 10 percent of their power sold in the state from renewable sources, such as wind, solar and geothermal.

Just wait until EPA rules go into effect.