
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Energy Independence

At this rate, "we're" never going to get to there.

The first US off-shore wind energy project has been in the works for over ten (10) years now.  Just when it appeared to be ready to begin building, just when it appeared all environmental impact statements had been filed, just when all permits had been issued, "we" now have another lawsuit from the .... environmentalists. Teddy Kennedy (RIP) would be proud.

Even in the far west, some have had it with transmission lines.  This story is about landowners in Montana against transmission lines going south to Utah. It would go against their "no-growth" policy.

The Bakken continues to be one great play while the rest of the US dithers.  Of course, the issue of the EPA and fracking is the 800-pound gorilla in our backyard.