
Monday, March 29, 2010

Slawson Snake Eyes

Someone else noted this elsewhere and posted it today; I noted it back in December, 2009: Slawson is putting two wells on one pad in Big Bend oil field. I call them "Slawson Snake Eyes." But unlike craps, where "snake eyes" is a loser for the shooter, the Slawson snake eyes have been big winners.

Slawson was granted another permit today (March 29, 2010), #18865, Silencer 1-29H, which will pair with an earlier permit, #18574, Mole 1-20H. One lateral will go north; one lateral will go south. Here are the results of other "Slawson Snake Eyes."

[Note: if I remember, I will continue to update this page when I see more Slawson "snake eyes."]

So, far these are all Big Bend or Van Hook.

Slawson snake eyes (IPs in red):

17864, Jughead 1-35H (was Thompson 1-35H with Windsor), 1,255
18416, Wizard 1-35H, 849

18287, Skybolt 1-24H, 911
18363, Howitzer 1-25H, 1,156 (1,290)

18207, Machete 1-19H, 1,215
18195, Cougar Federal 1-30H, 1,264

18211, Minx 1-29H, 923
18239, Bazooka 1-20H, 1,042

18312, Whirlwind 1-31H, 902
18589, Sniper Federal 1-6-7H (rig on site, Mar 29, 2010)

18364, Zephyr 1-36H, 1,245
18180, Stallion 1-1-12H, 2,735

17801, Jericho 1-5H, 750
18220, Coyote 1-32H, 846

18574, Mole 1-20H, xxx
18865, Silencer 1-29H, xxx

18619, Crusader 1-16H, 84 -- not a typo; reported Oct 22, 2010
18621, Diamondback 1-21H, 753

18870, Moray Federal 1-10H, 1,371
18871, Neptune 1-15H, 1,394

18924, Vixen Federal 1-19-30H, 19-152-91
18925, Phoenix 1-18H, 19-152-91, 1,521

19000, Goblin 1-26H, 26-151-92
19047, Revolver 1-35H, 26-151-93

19207, Vagabond 1-27H, 27-151-92
19208,  Moccasin 1-34H, 27-151-92

19485, Loon Federal 1-24-25H
19486, Genesis 2-13H

19664, Mamba 2-20H
19665, Bandit 2-29H

Of all producers, Slawson has the best names for their wells.

Summer in North Dakota.

The Birdbear: Just a Reminder

The problem with this site is that there is way too much information and I don't know how to best organize it.

Everyone is focused on the Bakken pool (Upper, Middle and Lower Bakken formations, as wells the Upper Three Forks Sanish and the Lower Three Forks Sanish) but there are several other oil-producing formations out there. Two of them, the Spearfish and the Birdbear are getting a new look.  EOG is putting in some nice $1.5 million Spearfish wells along the Canadian-North Dakota border vs their $5.5 million Bakken wells in Mountrail County.

For those who may have missed it the first time, this is a nice link. When you get there you can download a PDF which will provide better clarity and a nice hard copy if you want to print it.

But note where the Spearfish is active and where the Birdbear is active.

Something A Bit Different

This has nothing to do with oil but it's pretty cool. It's an animated video of the international space station being put together over the past ten (10) years.