
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Update on a Conventional Well

This is an important well: this is a vertical well, not a horizontal.
This well targeted the Lodgepole formation, not the Bakken or the TFS.
No decline in production after five months.
NO WATER: it costs money to truck away water!

The well: Laurine Engel 1
Operator: Armstrong
Location: Dickinson, North Dakota
Field: Patterson Lake
Pool: Lodgepole
Spud Date: August 5, 2009
Total Depth: 9,754 - VERTICAL (not horizontal)
Completion Date: Sep 4, 2009 (one month)
Press Release: February 5, 2010, IP = 463 bopd
Cumulative oil first five  months: 61,363 barrels
September, 2009: 9,893 barrels
October, 2009: 12,091 barrels
November, 2009: 13,607 barrels
December, 2009: 13, 277 barrels
January, 2010: 12, 495 barrels
Notice: not much of a decline rate yet
At $60/bbl = $3.6 million at the wellhead

Armstrong has another permit in the same field (the Patterson Lake), file # 18496. It is located 1,900 feet to the northwest of the Larine Engel 1. That well will be named the Gruman 18-3. 

The phenomenal Dinsdale well is located in the same general location, inside Dickinson, and 2.5 miles to the northeast.

Another Test to See if TFS and Bakken Communicate

Slawson/NOG have partnered to investigate whether the Bakken formation and the Three Forks Sanish communicate in a specific location.

CLR has already done this and reported mixed results, although the headline was that the formations are separate.

Slawson is going to drill the Jericho 2-5H-TF (file # 18792, below the Jericho 1-5H Bakken well, targeting the TFS to see if the two formations are separate in this location. The Jericho is located in the Big Bend oil field, inside the FBIR.

Jericho 1-5H, file # 17801, had an IP of 750.