
Friday, February 12, 2010

Encore cancels eleven permits; most of them in Billings County

Encore cancels eleven (11) permits, see NDIC's daily activity report dated February 12, 2010.

Eight of these were in Billings County, one in Bowman, one in McKenzie, and one in Golden Valley.

Not that it's important, but as long as we're discussing this report, Encore renewed a permit in Dunn County (Hanson 11-12H, #17029) and Zavanna renewed Cougar 1-35H in Williams County, #18064).

Note, also, Zenergy canceled a slew of permits, but it turns out that the permits were for 640-acre spacing, and that the NDIC changed the spacing to 1280 acres in these areas, and Zenergy has been granted new permits to conform to the new 1280-acre spacing. For more on the Zenergy permits, click here

Bottom line: just because a slew of permits are canceled, this does not necessarily mean that the producer  has lost interest in this area.