Monday, September 7, 2020

Pop Quiz: Quick, What's Wrong With This Story -- September 7, 2020

I almost got sucked into this story

Pop quiz, quick: tell me what's wrong with this story. Here's the nub of the story. What's wrong with this?

He notes that the stock price is implying anywhere from a 40% to 110% market share based upon the average selling price. At its current average selling price of $57,000 and assuming 10.9 million car sales by 2030, that implies 42% market share, Trainer says. Tesla trades at 159 times forward earnings.

My answer tomorrow, if I don't forget. We've talked about it before. In fact, we've mentioned it numerous times on the blog.

"Green" Hydrogen

Link to Irina Slav.

How it works:

  • wind and solar renewable energy to provide electricity...
    • electricity carried down transmission lines to hydrolysis centers ....
    • electricity carried down transmission lines to pumping stations ...
  • water pumped from source to hydrolysis centers 
  • hydrolyze water ...
  • electricity sent down transmission lines ...
  • electricity powers EVs


  • crude oil...
  • refined ...
  • product powers ICEs


  1. Intermittent Hydrogen, that what is wrong.

    1. That's exactly correct. Those hydrolysis centers would "demand" a reliable, uninterrupted energy source.
