Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Had The US Followed Sweden's Example -- July 28, 2020

.... the US might have had a similar outcome as Sweden.

I think folks forget that the original plan was to flatten the curve, not eliminate the virus overnight.

There are currently two groups of folks: those who have already tested positive for Covid-19, and those who will.

When the vaccine becomes available, a third group will be added: those who think they are no longer at risk. Remember: the "seasonal flu" vaccine is less than 45% effective -- previously reported by the CDC.

It would have been very, very painful; a lot of politicians would have lost their jobs, but we would be done with Covid-19 by now. The CDC recommendations will ensure that Covid-19 is with us well into middle-2021 -- per Google's parent company, Alphabet, announcement yesterday.

The graphic from this link:

My hunch is that had Americans been allowed to make their own decisions on a local, state, and/or regional basis -- again, on their own -- not through top-down mandates, Americans would have handled this just fine. In retrospect, the high-risk areas: nursing homes; subways; airlines; huge unregulated rallies like demonstrations and rallies; perhaps mega-churches in the south; maybe packed beaches in some areas; and so forth.

I'm probably wrong. Whatever.

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