Thursday, April 9, 2020

Perhaps This Is Where I Begin The Discussion Of Geologic Time With Sophia -- April 9, 2020

Wow, talk about an incredible day. I've made great headway on re-reading the Annotated Wuthering Heights, and The Discovery of Middle Earth, by Graham Robb. In addition, Sophia and I reviewed a bit of evolution (LOL).

A huge part of evolution is knowing all the ages, epochs, periods, eras, eons, and supereons.

I guess we're currently in the Holocene epoch, which has just begun.

To date there have been three named ages of the Holocene epoch, most recent to oldest: Meghalayan; Northgrippian; and, Greenlandian.

Now, we have entered the fourth age. This is quite incredible. This might be one of the longest single blog posts I have ever seen. It is incredible. I hope it never disappears behind a paywall or lost entirely some other way. Link here.

It's a keeper.

The fourth age of the Holocene epoch, the Age of Shibboliths.
Shibbolithic /ʃɪbəlˈiθik/ n.
: the current geological age, regarded as the first of the Anthropocene epoch and distinguished by the hegemony of unconvincing impostors in the scholarly and scientific academies.
Source: ‘Shibbolithic.’ Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2020.

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