Thursday, October 10, 2019

Where Were You 10/10/19?

XWA: twenty years from now, Williston folks will be asking their parents what they were doing 10/10/19? I have fond memories of Sloulin International Airport -- I remember watching the beacon when I was about two years old, sitting in my dad's lap, rocking on an old wooden rocking chair, until I fell asleep.

Toast: if this turns out to be true, Saudi Arabia is toast.

Tanker Costs


October 11, 2019: record rates.

Original Post

If South Korea had Amazon Prime, would they get free shipping? A week ago it was $10 million, earlier this week, $12 million; now, Philips 66 books a supertanker to ship US crude to South Korea for record $14 million.  Link here. The question is, and I really don't know, who pays for the supertanker -- Phillips 66 "booked it" but do the South Koreans pay the transportation cost? One would assume. This all has to do with Trump-imposed sanctions. Trump meets with Chinese delegation tomorrow. Does this guy ever sleep? He's got a rally in Minneapolis tonight. 

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