Monday, June 17, 2019

The Ridiculous Becomes The Ludicrous -- June 17, 2019

The raw data:
  • US oil and natural gas rigs drop by six, week-over-week.
Headline: Texas led all states in rig declines.

Texas produces oil and natural gas, but right now, in Texas, crude oil is the story. In fact, in the Permian and the Eagle Ford, operators probably wish that natural gas would just go away. Certainly in the Bakken operators would like to see 95% crude oil and 5% natural gas from their wells.

So, with that in mind, of the ... OMG ... decline of six rigs week-over-week how many of those rigs were in plays drilling for oil? Drum roll .... one rig.

The headline: Texas led all states in rig declines. So was Texas the only state to drop one oil rig, or did Texas drop only natural gas rigs? Either way, for Texas it's a non-story and actually for the rest of us, it's a non-story regardless.

The data is important, but it hardly deserves a stand-along tweet as well as a headline story. Making it part of a bigger report, like the weekly petroleum report or the weekly drilling report makes sense, but as a stand-alone story .... really?

One rig.

Just beating a dead horse.

But it provided a stand-alone post for the blog.

In Texas, Eight Ears For A Dollar

Sophia's favorite treat.

Fifty cents for four ears. I don't know how American farmers do it. 

On Friday, "they" had just dropped off two huge crates of corn at the Tom Thumb grocery store next to our apartment complex. I went to the store yesterday to get a couple of ears; completely sold out. 

Today, a smaller shipment and by tomorrow morning it, too, will be gone.

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