Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Production Jump In Older Wells Neighboring Newly Fracked Wells -- QEP -- Grail Oil Field -- May 23, 2017

Over at "wells of interest."

One example,
  • 26521, 2,661, QEP, TAT 4-33-28BH, Grail, API: 33-053-05290, t5/14; cum 318K 3/17;
Recent production:
PoolDateDaysBBLS OilRunsBBLS WaterMCF ProdMCF SoldVent/Flare

Comment: regardless of the reason for this jump in production, there are many, many examples of (unexpected) increased production in "older" wells in the Bakken. One has to laugh: "older wells" in the Bakken -- only two to three years ago in this case and many other cases; this could greatly affect EURs; and is certainly a component of Bakken 2.0.

The Literature Page

This is from Ingrid D. Rowland's essay, "Martin Luther's Burning Questions," in the current issue of The New York Review of Books
2017 is the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther posting his "95 theses" on the door of the church attached to the local lord's castle.

Martin Luther focused his ire (and most of the ninety-five theses) on one particular practice of the institutional church: the sale of indulgences.

These papal dispensations, confirmed by paper certificates, grew out of a traditional medieval conviction that prayer, repentance, good works, and pilgrimage could atone in some measure for sin. It was even possible to do penance for someone else ... giving alms or endowing a church could also earn remission from sins, reducing the amount of time ... [one's soul] would spend in Purgatory...

By the late fifteenth century, however, remission from sins could simply be purchased from a papal agent, for oneself or for another person, whether alive or deceased.

The sale of indulgences became an industry only in Luther's own lifetime and in his own lands, put into place by Pope Julius II and the Augsburg banker Jakob Fugger. 

After 1506, pope and banker directed the revenue from German indulgences toward the rebuilding of Saint Peter's in Rome.

Huge amounts of [German metal [gold, copper, lead, iron] was being sent to Rome and Germany was] receiving printed slips of paper in return for the equivalent of checks that drew on the currency of heaven rather than Earth.

Jakob Fugger [the Augsburg banker] took a 3 percent cut -- in coins, not release from Purgatory -- on every every shipment south. 

It is any wonder that the man who finally pulled the plug on this improbable trade knew a thing or two himself about the value of metal?
Nice Work If You Can Get It

From "The Big Thing on His Mind," Andre Bleikasten, in The New York Review of Books, April 20, 2017, an essay on William Faulkner, born in Oxford, MS, 1897; alcoholic, died in 1962, horse-riding accident, Virginia.

These three (at least) favored mornings-only writing schedules: Sherwood Anderson, Ernest Hemingway, and William Faulkner.

Sherwood Anderson was the "old man": 1876 - 1941. Faulkner and Hemingway almost exact contemporaries, Hemingway, 1899 - 1961. Graham Greene was a bit younger, 1904 - 1991.
Faulkner and the "n-word." In Faulkner's world, everyone was on one side of the line or the other: the great social divide was marked by the word "nigger." On one side of the color line in Faulkner's world people can call others "nigger" with impunity; on the other [side of the line] they must submit it to silence.
It appears Faulkner considered himself on the side of the line in which he could use the word with impunity.

Other quick notes, all from the article, not my words:

The writer mentions Mary Chesnut who wrote the "great diary before the Civil War" -- a copy of which I have, but it's out in California.

  • octoroon: one-eighth Negro. Indistinguishable from no African ethnicity; one Negro great-grandparent
  • quadroon: one Negro grandparent
  • mulatto: one Negro parent
One last note: either incredibly coincidental or very, very well planned by TNYR -- just a few pages later, in the same issue, a selfie/photograph of Mary Miller, in front of a pond in Oxford, Mississippi. Mary Miller is a "minimalist" author, contemporary. The essay was written by Joyce Carol Oates. It was probably not coincidental. Mary Miller's three books: Always Happy Hour, The Last Days of California, and, Big World.

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