Thursday, October 2, 2014

Natural Gas "Fill" Rate -- October 2, 2014

The magic number is 100.

More is better if one is worried about preparation for the winter.

The number today: 112. At the link, scroll down to see the graph.

See "NG_Fill_Rate" at bottom of blog for past posts on this subject.

This link probably explains the most.

Pending Patents

I believe Apple has a patent pending on a little application for the new AppleWatch that would measure CO2 PPM instantaneously. And how much CO2 the runner wearing the watch is contributing to the atmosphere.


  1. I think I love the Marcellus even more than the Bakken. And I love the Bakken a lot. More than the Eagle Ford.

    1. I'm just impressed what American workers have accomplished in the last five to ten years. It's really, really impressive. This sort of just happened, under the radar, due to the tenacity of the some, and risk-taking by others. Unlike the Manhattan project which had unlimited funds (I suppose) and the full backing of the US government, the entire North American energy revolution seemed to rise up in multiple locations, from multiple sources, and a lot of government obstacles placed in the way.
