Thursday, December 5, 2013

Tesla Motors Batteries To Provide Backup Power For Solar Panel Customers

Zack's at Yahoo!Finance is reporting:
Tesla Motors, Inc.’s batteries will be offered along with SolarCity Corporation’s commercial solar systems. Tesla’s batteries will be providing a backup power source to its customers and support in reducing the consumption of electricity and hence the electric bill.

Solar systems need to depend on sunlight. However, Tesla’s batteries will help the customers in times of solar blackout as well. In addition, Tesla’s batteries will provide an alternative source of energy during power cuts. The batteries will help the functioning of critical systems for several hours or for several days if it gets charged from the solar energy during the day time.

Moreover, commercial consumers have to pay charges for the entire amount of electricity they may need from the grid at any one time. This is known as demand charges in the electric industry. The solar panels and Tesla’s battery packs intend to reduce those demand charges. It is expected that the addition of Tesla’s batteries will reduce demand charges by 20%.
Except for the occasional battery fire and loss of home or business, this sounds like an incredibly great idea. 

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