Thursday, September 5, 2013

From The Halls Of Montezuma To The Sands Of Syria (But Not Tripoli, Any More)

Benghazi, on the shores of the Mediterranean, close enough. I guess the President missed that part of the US Marines hymn.

So, now, unto the sands of Syria. Those boots are made for walking.

These Boots Are Made For Walking, Nancy Sinatra

For a peace-loving, Nobel-Peace-Prize winning "no-drama" O'bama is certainly full of surprises.

With regard to "boots on the gound":
One of two things. This was O'Bama's plan all along and he simply never told the American people, hoping Brits would support his plan, and then he would go against Syria. OR, he is taking advantage of the Congressional enthusiasm to go to war, and broadening his mandate as much as possible to give him all the flexibility he needs.

In hindsight, it certainly looks like a president would not go to Congress for authority to lob a dozen cruise missiles; he went to Congress for broad military invasion.  It's "war powers" act, not a "lob a couple of cruise missiles" act. 
But folks are correct: one has to give the president as broad a mandate as possible when going to war (Pelosi's words); one can't legislate a war.
Yesterday, I suggested the president had a tiger by the tail.

Today, in one of the op-ed pieces in the WSJ, Axelrod is quoted as saying, "the dog caught the car." Big car; little dog. Of course, no matter how big the dog is, the car is much bigger.

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