Thursday, August 1, 2013

IRS Chief Doesn't Want To Switch To ObamaCare

The Weekly Standard is reporting:
"I don't want to speak for the NTEU, but I'll offer a perspective as a federal employee myself and a federal employee at the IRS," said the IRS chief. "And that is, we have right now as employees of the government, of the IRS, affordable health care coverage. I think the ACA was designed to provide an option or an alternative for individuals that do not. And all else being equal, I think if you're an individual who is satisfied with your health care coverage, you're probably in a better position to stick with that coverage than go through the change of moving into a different environment and going through that process. So I think for a federal employee, I think more likely, and I would -- can speak for myself, I would prefer to stay with the current policy that I'm pleased with rather than go through a change if I don't need to go through that change."
I don't think there's any way to parse his opinion. I don't think he needs to go through any change. He has two options: a) pay the ridiculously low penalty for not enrolling in ObamaCare; b) make sure his agency doesn't audit his return.  

More interesting question: how long will he keep his job?

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