Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Reminder: Archived Presentations

This is just a reminder: there are some nice articles and presentations that are archived at the sidebar on the right, under "Archived Presentations."

Mike Filloon posted a very, very good article on Monday, July 1, 2013, with regard to three misconceptions about the Bakken. That article is archived at the sidebar.

RBN Energy continues to provide some of the best "Oil & Gas 101" articles available on the net. I am literally blown away that RBN provides so much good information, not only for free, but does not even require a subscription. There also appears to be no hidden agenda. That's why I single out RBN Energy for a spot of their own on the sidebar at the right.

I am also a big fan of Platts, which does a great job of tweeting. There is an art to tweeting. I am surprised that The Wall Street Journal does not do quite as good a job tweeting as Platts.

And, of course, I always appreciate articles that readers send me.

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