Sunday, June 16, 2013

Dickinson Native Back In Town: Moving Up; Unrelated: An NSA Story But I Had To Put It Somewhere For The Archives

The Dickinson Press is reporting:
Erin Wanner grew up in a family that owned an oil service company, but she never thought about the industry as a career option for herself.
That all changed after the Dickinson native earned a master’s degree in business and the best job she could find was managing a Walgreens.
“That was the only choice I had. There were not jobs,” said Wanner, who was working in Dallas at the time. “And I had a master’s degree and it was really disappointing.”
In 2005, Wanner decided to return to North Dakota and work with the company owned by her father and uncle, now known as MBI Energy Services.
See the rest of her story at the linked article.  Another great "face of the Bakken."

Lies, Lies, And More Lies

Wasn't it just last week we were told that the NSA was only collecting "meta-data"? Meta-data includes telephone numbers, ISPs, times, locations, but not actual monitoring of phone calls or reading e-mail.

Well, it turns out: not so fast. The NSA admits to warrentless wiretapping.  An "expert" this week on CNBC or some news show said that the NSA "leaker" was aggrandizing his position, that despite has assertions to the contrary, he was not able to listen in on conversations or read e-mail. He was a systems administrator. Now from the NSA:
National Security Agency discloses in secret Capitol Hill briefing that thousands of analysts can listen to domestic phone calls. That authorization appears to extend to e-mail and text messages too.
Systems administrators would, I assume, be among the thousands of analysts. Daily the "leaker" seems to be more credible than our government.

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