Friday, June 14, 2013

Comments To The Blog


Later, 11:46 am: yes, Yahoo!Mail changed the way they manage comments. They can be posted; it's a long story; I won't bore you with the details.

Original Post

It appears I can receive, but cannot automatically, post comments to the blog.

I am hoping this is just a glitch.

Yahoo!Mail has made another change with their mail application and it's possible the change has resulted in this new "glitch" if that's what it is.

I still get comments, so please keep sending them. If you prefer, send your comments directly to my e-mail address which can be found at the site. I never reveal names, addresses, etc., unless I have permission from the sender. And I don't do anything with the comments once I post them, except delete them.

If the Yahoo!Mail glitch continues, I will probably manage comments differently. I will still get them, but I will post them in a different manner.

Wow, what a pain. I may have to hire a web site developer to manage this website. Smile.

The "blogger" application is owned by Google. Yahoo!Mail is owned by Yahoo. And, of course, NSA owns both. But I digress. Maybe the NSA, IRS, CIA, FBI, CBO, POTUS, EIA, IEA, OPEC, NDIC, NRC, NDC, or Sarah Palin were upset with something I recently posted, and are messing with my site.

Off the net for awhile. Walking.

Congratulations to the roughnecks for setting another Bakken daily production record.

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