Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Piling On

Politico has a most interesting article (I don't know if Drudge Report has it linked yet).

The article is two internet pages long.

An interesting bit of trivia in the long article: the writer opines that the Benghazi and the IRS scandals will last through the 2014 mid-term elections.


But there is another reason the long article is interesting.

The 800-pound gorilla is not mentioned.

Wait until the train wreck in October.

No, wait until the IRS starts auditing Republicans over ObamaCare. That's the 800-pound gorilla sitting in your living room.

My understanding is that the new IRS form declaring one's source of health insurance includes the requirement to check off whether one is a Republican or a Democrat, and/or if one has donated any money to any political party, and if so, which one.

[Not everything posted above is necessarily accurate. I have been known to have my information wrong.]

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