Thursday, March 21, 2013

Apple Data Centers Are Now Running on 100% Renewable Power

MacRumors is reporting:
Bloomberg notes that Apple has posted the 2012 update of its environmental policy pages, noting that the company has now achieved 100% renewable energy usage at all of its data centers. On a worldwide basis, the company's corporate facilities are now running on 75% renewable energy, up from 35% just two years ago.
Awesome, to say the least.  But there is trouble in "carbon footprint land":
Apple estimates that its carbon footprint for 2012 included 30.9 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions, with 98% of that total directly related to the life cycles of its products. The total represents a 34% increase over the company's 2011 estimates, but Apple notes that recent increases have been driven primarily by growth in its sales, with emissions per dollar of revenue decreasing by 21.5% from 2008 to 2012.
31 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions. Not good. Where's the EPA?