Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ten (10) New Permits -- The Williston Basin, North Dakota, USA

Active rigs: 182 (creeping down)

Ten (10) new permits --
  • Operators: XTO (5), QEP (4), Corinthian
  • Fields: North Souris (Bottineau), Siverston (McKenzie), Sorkenss (Mountrail), Grail (McKenzie)
  • Comments: QEP has the four permits for the "Helis Grail" wells in section 5-149-95; these will fun to watch
Wells coming off the confidential list were posted earlier; see sidebar at the right.

Producing wells completed:
  • 22433, 667, CLR, Rodney 2-29H, Cedar Coulee, t1/13; cum --
  • 23879, 1,254, Whiting, Brookbank State 42-16TFX, t1/13; cum --


  1. A lot to browse and enjoy. Some will excite you.

    Scroll to pdfs 1.21.13

    Browse all, but start with Harbert, then Miller. Enjoy.


    anon 1

    1. That is truly awesome. Lots of presentations -- Harbert's looks to be excellent; haven't gotten to Miller's yet.

      It was nice to see they misspelled "Capital" (as Captial) -- I'm not the only prone to typographical errors.

      Because of this great list of archived presentations, I will add a segment to the sidebar at the right: a listing of archived presentations and comments as indicated.

      There was another incredible presentation last week, and it's easy to misplace it -- putting the great presentations in an archive at the sidebar will be a big help. Thank you for the inspiration.

  2. Is the multiwell site going to be the new norm. QET and XTO in the daily activity?


    1. Yes. I don't know when you started following the blog, but folks started talking about multi-well pads two years ago.

      I've been waiting for two years to start seeing daily activity reports with permits for multi-well pads on a consistent basis. It appears it is beginning to happen.

      Even when you see permits for single wells, if you go back to the NDIC GIS map server, you will often see these single wells being placed on existing pads. So just because you see a permit for a single well, it doesn't mean it's not going to be part of a multi-well pad.

      Exception: vertical wells targeting the Spearfish in Bottineau and Renville counties (and other counties to some extent) will be single wells. One doesn't put vertical wells on one pad.
